On August 19th (Sunday), I took the Tokyu Ikegami Line for the first time in a while at the Shigin event held at the Ebara Bunka Center.
I lived along the Tokyu train line for a long time from the winter of 22 years old.
For 12 years, there was a dormitory for singles near Futako-Shinchimae Station on the Den-en-toshi Line, and I lived in a 2K room without a bath.

I have many friends and acquaintances along the Tokyu lines, and I was familiar with the Oimachi Line, Ikegami Line, and Mekama Line, which were commuting routes.
When I walked through the shopping street in front of the station, I found several stand ashtrays, so I will introduce them.
It was a dangerous smoking environment that could disappear at any moment.