

2024年10月05日 | 小説・映画等に出てくる「たばこ」
2024年9月4日 読売新聞「編集手帳」
いまほどたばこの害が叫ばれていなかった昭和時代、文化人の愛煙家は少なくなかった。吉行淳之介さんがさる舞台俳優のエピソードを随筆に書き溜めている◆マイルドセブンとという往時を代表するたばこの銘柄が主役となる。俳優はそれを買うのに、店のおばあさんに「11PM(イレブンピーエム)ください」と言ってしまった。テレビの深夜番組と間違えたのだ。すると、おばあさんは「はいはい、セブンイレブンね」◆不思議な展開はこれで終わらない。おばあさんの手からマイルドセブンが出てきたという(『やややのはなし』文春文庫)◆いま残っているのはコンビニの名前のみである。♪ セブンイレブン いい気分⋯というCMが耳になじみ、海外から入った流通スタイルを新しく感じたものである。その企業がカナダの流通大手から買収の提案を受け、是非を検討中だという。きめ細かな品ですっかり日本化し、災害時には地域と協力する仕組みも作られている。昭和からの長い付き合いを思いつつ、外資に買われることに抵抗を覚える向きは多いのではないか◆「セブンイレブンください」ー-結末はいかに。

On September 4th, I read the Yomiuri Shimbun editorial notebook at the APA Hotel in Tamachi, and there was an article about the acquisition of 7-Eleven and the cigarette brand Mild Seven, which I will quote below.
Yomiuri Shimbun "Editorial Notebook" September 4th, 2024

In the Showa era, when the harm of tobacco was not as widely hailed as it is now, there were many cultural figures who were smokers. Junnosuke Yoshiyuki has written an essay about an episode of a certain stage actor. The main character is a cigarette brand that represents the past, Mild Seven. When the actor buys it, he says to the old lady at the store, "I'd like some 11PM (Eleven PM) please." He mistook it for a late-night TV program. The old lady then says, "Yes, yes, Seven-Eleven." The strange developments don't end there. A Mild Seven came out of the old lady's hand (Yayaya no Hanashi, Bungeishunju Bunko). All that remains now is the name of the convenience store. ♪ Seven-Eleven, feel good... is a familiar commercial, and this distribution style introduced from overseas feels new. The company has received an acquisition proposal from a major Canadian distributor, and is currently considering whether to accept it. The company has become completely Japanese, with its meticulous products, and has also created a system to cooperate with local communities in times of disaster. While remembering the long relationship that has existed since the Showa era, many people are likely to feel resistance to being bought by a foreign company. "Give me a Seven-Eleven" - what will the outcome be?
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2024年09月15日 | 小説・映画等に出てくる「たばこ」


《 わかれ道》 明治29年1月


[Ken] 「ゆく雲」の167ページは、実母の死後に後妻が継母として家に入り、継母に子どもができればなおさら、継子の扱いは本書にあるような雰囲気があったのでしょう。懐かしのテレビドラマでも、しばしば見たような既視感があります。それにしても、文章がうまいと感心させられます。「泣いて泣いて泣き尽くして」というのは、演歌でも流用された歌詞みたいですね。

"Passing Clouds" May 1895

[Page 167]
----, It is only natural that Onui, a child of a mother, should stand on this rapids and cry. If she speaks she is glared at, if she laughs she is scolded, if she is considerate she is called cunning, if she is reserved she is scolded for being a slow child, snow and frost fall on the new two-leaf buds, and they are held down as if to see if they will still grow, but the fact that they can endure this and grow straight is something that no human can achieve, she cried and cried and cried until she was exhausted, and even if she wanted to complain, her father's heart was as cold as iron,----

《Walking Road》 January 1896

[Page 169]
----, Japanese pepper is small and highly valued, so if he had been hit so hard on the back that he said thank you and walked away, I would not have been able to avoid human humiliation, but Issun-boshi's cheekiness and his fingernails were a topic of conversation during smoke breaks.

[Ken] Page 167 of "The Clouds Going" is about a mother who becomes a stepmother after the death of her biological mother, and if the stepmother has children, the way the stepchildren are treated would have been similar to the atmosphere in this book. I have a sense of déjà vu, as I have often seen this in nostalgic TV dramas. 
Even so, I am impressed by how well written the writing is. "Naite naite naite nakitsukashite" seems to have been a lyric that was also used in enka.
On page 169 of "Wakaremichi," the phrase "tobaco-yasumi" (a break for smoking tobacco) refers to what we now call "rest time," but it certainly reminded me of the scenes from when I was a child when adults would call it "shinsei" or "ikoi" and take a break from farm work or mountain work. (To be continued)

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2024年05月14日 | 小説・映画等に出てくる「たばこ」

I saw a rebroadcast of picture book author Gomi Taro on NHK. Gomi Taro, who is also a chain smoker, was drawing with a thin cigar in his mouth. 
I was impressed not only by the beauty of the picture book, but also by every word.

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2024年03月08日 | 小説・映画等に出てくる「たばこ」




Yesterday's TV Asahi's "Tetsuko's Room" featured young period drama stars.
I cried for the first time in a long time at the "love I received from my mother" by Ken Matsudaira and Ryotaro Sugi.
Ken Matsudaira, the youngest of seven brothers and sisters, ran away from home at the age of 17 to become an actor. At that time, most of his family members opposed him, but only his mother pushed him back, and he mistakenly thought he was in the center of Tokyo, so he left Toyohashi, passed Tokyo Station, and landed at Ueno Station.
Ryotaro Sugi left home and moved to Tokyo to work at a curry🍛 shop, eating three meals a day of bribed curry while trying to become an actor.
He lived in a rented room with a "sukimakaze" (a space with a draft in it) that was divided into two 6-tatami mat rooms, and his mother sent him money for the rent.
He knew that his mother had borrowed money to send him money.
His mother was not only helping him, but also helping others in spite of poverty. As a child, he asked, "Why?" He asked.
His mother replied, "Because if you accumulate virtues, they will definitely come back to you, my child."
Ryotaro Sugi answered Tetsuko's question (Is that true?) by saying, "Yes, it is. Ryotaro Sugi answered Tetsuko's question (Is it so?), "Yes, it is so.
As I sang "Sukimakaze" a cappella, I thought of my mother, who passed away at the age of 64, leaving her thoughts and feelings for me, her youngest child, and her grandchildren, and wondered how I could go on without crying.

Translated with (free version) 

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2023年09月06日 | 小説・映画等に出てくる「たばこ」


When I was watching a TV program featuring Sakyo Komatsu, I felt like reading "Days of Resurrection" and "The Sinking of Japan."
Anyway, Sakyo Komatsu looks good with cigarettes🚬
*The photo was borrowed from the internet.

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2023年05月04日 | 小説・映画等に出てくる「たばこ」



それから、牧は、友だちといっしょに、いったん本郷三丁目にもどり、壱岐坂をおりて、いたるととろに、電信柱がたおれ、電線が地上に もつれている、焼けあとの、道のない道を、たどった。そうして、ある堀ばたにそうている坂をのぼって、高台の端にある、『なにがし』神社の鳥居の下で、一服しながら、下町の方を眺めると、目の下にある神田へんから、遠く、日本橋、本所、深川あたりにかけて、一めんに焼け野が原が見わたされた。



I have finished reading "The River of Thoughts" in the Complete Works of Japanese Literature 30 "Koji Uno" (Shueisha, published June 8, 1973).

I will post an excerpt of my life's work, "Cigarette Scenes from the Work" excerpt.

[page 11]
Then Nakaki slowly pulls a cigarette out of his cigarette case, smokes it slowly, and when he finishes it, he slowly pulls another one out of the cigarette case and blows on it slowly.
Then, one of the debt collectors asks for a loan, fisting his hand as if begging. Nakaki, however, looked unconcerned, continued to smoke slowly, slowly, slowly, and did not respond at all.
Then, one of them, who seemed to be impatient, said in a harsh tone, "Mr. Nakaki, that's too much...can't you do something about it?

[page 20]
Then Maki, with his friends, went back to Hongo 3-chome once, and went down Iki slope, and followed the road with no road after the fire, where telegraph poles were downed and electric wires were trailing on the ground everywhere. I climbed up a hill that led to a moat, and while smoking under the torii gate of the Nanigashi-jinja Shrine on the edge of a hill, I looked out toward downtown and saw a vast expanse of burnt ruins stretching from Kanda below me to as far away as Nihonbashi, Honjo, and Fukagawa.

[page 54]
However, as mentioned earlier, "Senmai" did not use a maid, even though it had been rebuilt.
When the man brought such trays, the karakami would first be opened from the outside, and the tea bowl or tobacco tray would be thrust into the corner of the room. 
The long, slender hand that thrusts it in is then withdrawn with great haste, and with it the karakami is quickly tightened, leaving the teacup or tobacco tray behind as if by magic.
The first time, the second time, and the third time, Maki and Mieji always looked at each other and blew up without saying a word.

[Page 78]
When Maki looked at the tabi, she felt a tingle of fear and horror, and then she looked at Arikawa's face again, with a sort of fearful feeling. 
But when I saw Arikawa, with his mouth closed, holding a rolled cigarette between his skinny fingers, and smoking it almost incessantly, Maki, with a deep sigh in his mind, thought "this is ... ...", and got a chill in his body.

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2023年04月01日 | 小説・映画等に出てくる「たばこ」
福沢諭吉著「新訂 福翁自伝」(富田正文校訂、岩波文庫、2011年2月4日、第60刷発行)を楽しく読んでいます。

I am enjoying reading Yukichi Fukuzawa's "Newly Revised Fukuo Autobiography" (edited by Masafumi Tomita, Iwanami Bunko, 60th edition published on February 4, 2011).
The chapter "From Alcohol Abstinence to Smoking" on pages 91-93 of this book is very interesting, so I will quote it in its entirety.
Until a few years ago, Keio University was very tolerant regarding smoking. There were many smoking areas and it was very comfortable for smokers. After reading this book, I felt like I understood why.

Also, I lost a lot of my life because of alcohol, and the damage still haunts me to this day.While I was studying at Ogata's cram school, there were few good things about drinking Tokazu sake. Nor.
Thinking that this was something that could not be helped, I decided to stop drinking as if I had made a conscious decision to do so.
Then, the whole school laughed out loud and said, 'Yaa Fukuzawa has stopped drinking since yesterday. That's funny, that's funny. How long will it last? I can't last ten days. I'm sure he'll stop drinking for three days and start drinking tomorrow." Many people are cruel to me, but when I was patient and didn't drink for 10 or 15 days, my best friend Junmasu Takahashi said to me, "I appreciate your patience. However, when it comes to human habits, it is not a good idea to suddenly prohibit them, even if they are bad.It is simply impossible.When you finally decide to stop drinking, start smoking instead of drinking. It won't happen without fun," he says kindly.
However, I hate cigarettes, and have often criticized fellow students who smoked, saying, "This is pointless, ill-healthy, and I don't understand why people smoke things they don't understand. Aside from that, it's smelly and dirty, and I can't stand it. You won't tolerate it when I'm around you." He used to say things like, "No, I don't want you to drink," so I thought it would be embarrassing for me to start smoking now. , it's not unreasonable if you listen to Takahashi's theory.
When I said, "Let's give it a try," people at the cram school gave me cigarettes, lent me their pipes, and some went out of their way to buy cigarettes, saying they were very light. There is also.
There's nothing really serious about all this noise.
In fact, since I usually say bad things about cigarettes, I know that he's going to come over and make fun of me, telling him to turn him into a smoker.
However, since these people are so passionate about quitting drinking, they forced themselves to blow the disgusting smoke, and as they got used to it for 10 or 15 days, the smelly and spicy food became naturally no longer smelly or spicy. The flavor has improved.
After about a month, I became a real smoker.
However, let's talk about sake. I'll never forget it no matter what.
Even though I know it's cowardly, I can't help but try it one inch and one cup at a time.
Moo Sakazuki, even if you insist that this is the end, when you shake the sake bottle and it makes a noise, you can't resist.
In the end, I drank all three cups of sake, and the next day I drank five more.
Even if we try to go back to the traditional five-go-three-go street and say farewell to cigarettes, we can't do it, and it's ridiculous and inexplicable.
My desire to stop drinking never came true, and after a month of stupidity, I ended up drinking, smoking, and using two swords, and now I'm over 60 years old.
Up until this year, when I was 20 years old, I had naturally stopped drinking alcohol, but I had not given up on smoking, and there was no excuse for it, saying that it was damage I had caused myself for the sake of hygiene.

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2023年02月17日 | 小説・映画等に出てくる「たばこ」



I laughed again at the Kyokorohi rebroadcast and Naoko Ken and Hikorohi's tobacco discussion.
Hikorohee smokes an American spirit, and Naoko Ken is a thinly wound JT "Pianissimo".
When Naoko Ken was asked when tobacco 🚬 was the most delicious, her answer was the standard “after dinner”.

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2022年11月17日 | 小説・映画等に出てくる「たばこ」


As a part of my life's work, whenever I saw a scene involving a cigarette🚬 in a book I read, I would excerpt it.
I posted it on my blog as it was, but when I checked what was not translated into English, there was an excerpt from Haruki Murakami's "After Dark".
After rereading it, I felt that the cigarette itself has decreased in the past few years and the heat-not-burn cigarette has increased, so even if it is the same camel 🚬, the drawing style will be different.
The texture of cigarette smoke, the presence or absence of lighters and matches, the shape of ashtrays, and the way people smoke are changing.
I smoke PloomX camel, but since around this spring, in addition to iQOS and glo, PloomX users have become noticeable.

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2022年07月04日 | 小説・映画等に出てくる「たばこ」


The other day, I finished reading 'Jyonin Fudoki' by Fumiko Enchi (Heibonsha, published 12 Jan 1972, price 650 yen).
There was only one scene on pages 147-148 where a cigarette🚬 appeared, which is my life's work. 
Below is an excerpt. The location is a scene at Hofukuji Temple, Shimoda, where the grave of Tojin Okichi is located.
The grave in the cemetery also has newly rebuilt headstones and lanterns with the names of contributions by Mizutani Yaeko and Ichikawa Matsutsuya vividly yonbori. A crowd of young men and women in flamboyant clothes filled the area in front of the graves, throwing away their cigarettes and hugging each other on the shoulder as they walked past.

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