「結局、自己破産して、危ないとこだけなんぼか返した。徳永、絶対借金すんなよ。借金取り怖いで。ずっと電話ぶちってたらな、留守電にな『俺達が、どうせ取り立てに行かないと思ってるんでしょ。捕まるから。キミ煙草吸ってる? 明日、それと同じ吸殻家の前に置いとくから、あんまり舐めんなよ!』って入っとってん。めちゃ怖いやろ。ほんで、次の日、玄関開けたら、ほんまに吸殻あってん。いや、青ざめたで。ただな、銘柄見たら、俺の吸ってるショートホープやなくて、ピアニッシモのメンソールって女子やないか」
In the 153rd Akutagawa Prize-winning novel Spark (written by Naoki Matayoshi), published in the special September issue of Bungeishunju, the following scenes featuring cigarettes were shown. The brands were Short Hope and Vianissimo.
Kamiya-san is the only one who smokes cigarettes. Short Hope is the perfect choice for "a life without regrets, even if it's thick and short", but it also clearly conveys the depth of Mr Kamiya's regret and despair.
Page 340.
'I haven't seen you since my first visit. Maki was apologising."
Mr Kamiya said as he exhaled the smoke of Short Hope.
Page 341.
'Tokunaga, you might not be good at this, but there's a girl here,' Mr Kamiya said as he threw away his cigarette just as the traffic light turned green and crossed the scramble intersection.
Page 350.
'The traditional live show, dubbed the Shibuya All-Star Festival, was held regularly.' ---- The small dressing room was filled with the smell of cigarettes and men.
Page 351.
I could not read Mr Kamiya's emotion when he replied, "Yes, I suppose so."
Continuing our conversation, we went out to the fire escape. Kamiya-san was smoking a cigarette and listening to my words. I don't feel that Kamiya-san was more quiet than usual.
Page 395.
'Were you able to pay it back?'
'In the end, I went bankrupt and paid back some of the money that was at risk. Tokunaga, don't ever go into debt. You'll be scared of debt collectors. I kept hanging up the phone and the voicemail said: 'You don't think we won't go to collect anyway, do you? You'll get caught. Do you smoke? I'll leave a cigarette butt just like that in front of your house tomorrow, so don't lick it too much! Don't lick me too much! That must have been really scary. So the next day, when I opened the front door, there really was a cigarette butt. I was pale. But when I looked at the brand, it wasn't Short Hope, which I smoke, but a girl called Pianissimo Menthol.
Kamiya-san is happily wound up, perhaps because he hasn't seen her in a while, but for some reason he doesn't feel at ease.