The orthodox civilization is the festival politics of Japan


The guess of scholar 中

2019-04-20 09:44:41 | 世界経済

The chairman of Daisinin shouted ,
" You know that it is so great crime to plan the assassination of the Meiji Tennou .
Koutoku answered ,
" He is a descendent of the north dynasty .
The orthodox dynasty is a south dynasty ."
He said ,
" I don't admit it . I don't permit him ."
The court was occupied with the silence .

The Japanese in Meiji era knew it very wsll .
 「今上陛下を 弑(しい)し奉らんとするは何事ぞ 大逆であるぞ」
 「彼は 正統な南朝をだまし 三種の神器を盗み取った北朝の子孫だ」
 「俺は 認めない 認めないぞ」
