tetujin's blog



2017-08-28 23:12:37 | 日記

Summer in Japan, it is the festival season. And summer festivals are held across the nation.
Awa Odori (Awa Dance Festival) in Tokushima, Shikoku is one of the leading festivals of that kind. Yosakoi Matsuri (Yosakoi Festival) also in Shikoku is a good one too.
♪Dancing fools and watching fools. Both are the same fools, so why not dance?!♪
Traditional phrase chanted in Japan. It must be what Awa Odori: it is more fun to join and dance than to watch. The dancers form teams called “Ren” for Awa Odori, originated in Tokushima, and the teams compete for the dance performance with each other. Anyone can go crazy dancing to the rhythm of two beats accompanied by the samisen, the drums, the bells and the flutes.

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