tetujin's blog


early morning in Saipan

2009-03-18 21:33:29 | 日記


【撮影地】Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands(2009.2月撮影)
Copyrightsc 2005-2009 TETUJIN
all rights reserved

The Universe is a huge place. That has a 13.7 billion year history from its birth; our mother planet, earth, has a 4.5 billion year history. Humans at most have a 10-thousands year journey. We can shape that journey but it would be a measure of self-arrogance to think our view is the only valid one.
I am one unique, precious, unrepeatable gift of human life. So are all of humankind.


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2009-03-17 21:37:34 | 日記


【撮影地】Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands(2009.2月撮影)
Copyrightsc 2005-2009 TETUJIN
all rights reserved

Said it best: In America, they say "how are you"
The indigenous people on the island "Chamorros" probably came a thousand or more years ago from islands to the West. They speak a language that is linguistically similar to Tagalog. Much of their original culture is lost during repeated foreign occupation. However, they maintain strong traditions, including daily use of the vernacular, great respect for elders and a love of traditional food modifying their life-stile. The local people are friendly and hospitable and enjoy their cultures. Si Yu'os Ma'ase (Thank you)


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the Saipan wind

2009-03-16 20:47:15 | 日記

【撮影地】Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands(2009.2月撮影)
Copyrightsc 2005-2009 TETUJIN
all rights reserved

A light tropical breeze blows across the lagoon through the palm trees and over the whole land, offering a paradise.
That troubling me is the wet slippy road on the island of Saipan made with coral during and after rain showers.


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right angle of the car

2009-03-15 19:38:28 | 日記

【撮影地】Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands(2009.2月撮影)
Copyrightsc 2005-2009 TETUJIN
all rights reserved

The view from the right side of the car is used to me. The owners  of the car left handle model may be familiar to the left angle of the car.


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振り向かないで 金沢

2009-03-14 07:47:21 | プチ放浪 都会編


Copyrightsc 2005-2009 TETUJIN
all rights reserved

「梅一輪 一輪ほどの 暖かさ」



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