my way of translation (3) 4/29

2022年04月29日 07時50分59秒 | 翻訳・通訳
To stick to the customer-first policy:

I have long said that you should docilely accept the position which could be said to be a servant to a customer as an attitude toward the customer. The word docilely doesn't mean unwillingly. On the contrary, I mean you should pleasantly work as a servant to the customer.
Unless you cannot be a servant to a customer, no matter how good your sales strategy may be, it would just pie in the sky. A temporary success could be possible, but sustainable success would be impossible. To serve the customer completely is one of the principles for management.

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my way of translation (2) 4/29

2022年04月29日 07時43分00秒 | 翻訳・通訳
The owner of a business should always have a resolution that he could sacrifice himself for his employees in case of emergency.
(the resolution the owner of a business should have)
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my way of translation 4/29

2022年04月29日 07時23分13秒 | 翻訳・通訳
A relation or tie between people is very important for us. I think we should be pleased with being able to keep a good relationship with others and also have such bonds stronger with sincerity and enthusiasm of each other. (relation)
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