The orthodox civilization is the festival politics of Japan


Strange Stratezy of S.Bannon 中

2018-04-04 10:24:42 | 世界経済

For them , a flower is a fairy and the wind is the song of fairly .
" To see a heaven in a wild flower ,
To hear a infinity in a wild wind ."

The space pilot who walked on the moon became a clergyman when he returned to the earth , of course he was Irish .

On TV , an ambassador of Ireland had ever talked ,
" Japanese may be a brother of Irish , the fork lore of Japan resembles that of Irish , In somewhere they divided two , one went to the East ,the other went to the West and became Celt .

What an interesting story it is !

 「日本とアイルランドは ビックリするほど似ています きっと ユーラシア大陸のどこかで ある民族が分かれ 東に行ったのが日本人になり 西に向かった者が我々の先祖のケルト人になったのではないでしょうか」
