The orthodox civilization is the festival politics of Japan


The side face of Kleopatla 下

2018-04-18 10:29:46 | 世界経済

I was almost falling love with her and wanted to talk to her ,
" Where do you come from ‽
Are there the same face in your family ‽ "

Then, a screaming voice attached me , it was so dirty and noisy .
And I realized that it came from her with the side face of Kleopatla .
Well,I knew that the strong mind studying about it is gone . .

 「彼女は どこの出身だろう」
 「彼女の家族には 彼女のような容貌がいるのか」
 「あるいは 青い瞳のメンバーがいるのかもしれない」

 「グアー グアー」  

 「ああ 下町の 下町の クレオパトラ」