The orthodox civilization is the festival politics of Japan


釈尊 and 空海 下

2019-01-31 10:53:45 | 世界経済

It would seem that Kuukai's curiosity united this world and universe had prevailed over thar era and opened for us the way to understand the multi-universe .

Well . Father Enomiya of Catholic Zen said ,
" The essebce of India is Yoga .
the essence of Japan is Zen ."
What a beautiful prejudice it is !
I do think ,
" The essence of India is a sort of exaggeration .
and the essence of Japan is communitism ."

In it , community is stronger than an individual person .
It may be far from modern era .

 「インドの核心は ヨーガである   
  ニッポンンの核心は 禅である 」

 「インドの本質は インド的デタラメであり
  日本の本質は 共同体保持のなれ合い文化と慣習」
