④③が全体的に炒まったら、舞茸と デミグラスソース1缶・ケチャップ大さじ3・中濃ソース大さじ2・赤ワイン50ml・水150mlを入れて煮込む。
beef stroganoff
Beef Stroganoff is a stewed dish of the national cuisine of Russia. It is made by frying beef, onions and mushrooms and simmering them in broth, then adding sour cream.
①Cut 300g of beef into bite-sized pieces and sprinkle 2 large spoons of flour all over the piece.
➁Cut 1/2 onion and carrot into thin slices and cut mushrooms (shiitake mushrooms and maitake mushrooms are shimeji).
③④Heat a large spoonful of salad oil 1 in a frying pan and fry ① and ➁.
④When ③ is stir-fried all over, add Maitake mushrooms and 1 can of demi-glace sauce, 3 tablespoons ketchup, 2 tablespoons medium-thick sauce, Add 50ml of red wine and 150ml of water and
⑤Add 2 large spoons of fresh cream and 20g of salted butter to④ and simmer for about 5 minutes.
⑥Pour it over a plate of rice and sprinkle it with a little whipped cream.