The following one
be on the field ミ
F1 ガスリー スペインGPへ向けて
Pierre Gasly
“I reckon I’ve done thousands of laps of Barcelona, because it’s the circuit which we have always used the most for testing, in 2.0 litre, 3.5, GP2 before even coming to Formula 1 and over the year, work in the simulator has always focused on Barcelona. So I’ve probably driven the equivalent of several times around the world at this track.
"Apart from knowing it well, it brings back happy memories, as it’s where I clinched the championship title in Renault 2.0 litre and it’s where I first tested a Formula 1 car with Toro Rosso in 2015, so I get a positive feeling in Barcelona. This year, our winter testing went well there, so I’m impatient to get going and I hope we will be on the pace very quickly and be able to score some points.
"The usual cliché about the Catalunya track is that, if your car works well here, it works well everywhere…maybe, but this track has certainly a character all of its own. Qualifying is the key, as we know it’s complicated trying to overtake in the race, other than by playing with the strategy.
"F1 qualifying is always a difficult discipline with the way it’s run in different segments, as you generally only get two shots at it. And if you encounter any problems, like traffic, then you’re down to just one chance to deliver and that’s an exciting moment because you know you have to nail it. I like that aspect of it.
"As Barcelona’s not far from France, I’ll have some friends and family coming, which will be nice. It’s one of the nice things about being back in Europe and getting that extra support."
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誤訳は 業者を。
Pierre Gasly
ピエール ガスリー
“I reckon I’ve done thousands of laps of Barcelona,
バルセロナを何千周したんだろう って思うよ
because it’s the circuit which we have always used the most for testing,
そこは 僕たちがいつも テストのほとんどで使っていたサーキットだからね
in 2.0 litre, 3.5, GP2 before even coming to Formula 1
F1に来る前の 2.0や3.5やGP2の時だよ
over the year, work in the simulator has always focused on Barcelona.
一年を通して、シュミレーターでの作業は いつもバルセロナに焦点を当てていたからね。
** Barcelona:バルセロナ スペインGPの開催都市
** 2.0 litre:2リッターのエンジンを持つフォーミュラ(F-RENAULT 2.0)
** 3.5:3.5リッターのエンジンを持つフォーミュラ(F-RENAULT 3.5)
** GP2 : F1の一つ下のレースカテゴリー 現在のF2
I’ve probably driven the equivalent of several times around the world at this track.
たぶん世界一周の何倍も走ってきたよ このコースをね。
"Apart from knowing it well,
it brings back happy memories,
ここは 幸せな記憶をよみがえらすんだ
as it’s where I clinched the championship title in Renault 2.0 litre
ここはフォーミュラ ルノー2.0でタイトルを獲った場所だし
it’s where I first tested a Formula 1 car with Toro Rosso in 2015,
2015年に トロロッソでF1マシンを初めてテストした場所 だからね
I get a positive feeling in Barcelona.
ポジティブな感じになるんだ バルセロナではね。
This year,
our winter testing went well there,
僕たちの冬のテストは ここでは良かったんだ
I’m impatient to get going
I hope we will be on the pace very quickly
願ってるんだ 僕たちが とっても速いペースで
be able to score some points.
"The usual cliché about the Catalunya track is that,
カタロニアのコースについて普通の見解は こんな感じだよ
if your car works well here,
もしマシンが ここで上手く作用したなら
it works well everywhere…maybe,
どこででも うまく作用するよ・・たぶんね、
but this track has certainly a character all of its own.
このコースは 確かに全てのキャラクターを持ち合わせてるからね。
**it works well everywhere:バルセロナのコースは、長い直線と低速から高速コーナーまであり
バルセロナで早ければ どのコースでも早いと一般的に言われる。
Qualifying is the key,
予選が 鍵だよね
as we know it’s complicated trying to overtake in the race,
other than by playing with the strategy.
僕たちは レースで追い抜きを試みるのは難しいことが解ってるからね。
"F1 qualifying is always a difficult discipline with the way it’s run in different segments,
F1の予選は いつも異なった環境を走る難しい物なんだ
as you generally only get two shots at it.
通常は たった2回しかアタックできないからね。
if you encounter any problems, like traffic,
もし なにか問題に出くわしたら(渋滞の様なね)、
you’re down to just one chance to deliver
that’s an exciting moment because you know you have to nail it.
エキサイティングな瞬間だよね なぜなら その状況で決めなければならない事が解ってるからね。
I like that aspect of it.
僕は そんな状況が好きなんだ。
"As Barcelona’s not far from France,
バルセロナは フランスから遠くないので
I’ll have some friends and family coming ,which will be nice.
何人かの友達や家族を呼ぶつもりなんだ、 その事は いいことだね。
It’s one of the nice things
about being back in Europe
getting that extra support."