

2013年01月01日 | 小説・映画等に出てくる「たばこ」
◎ 2002年2月17日、NTVで午前11時から放送された「波瀾万丈」を見た。この日に登場したのは、大好きだと本人が語っている帽子をかぶり、波乱に富んだ歩みについて淡々と語る山崎朋子さんであった。「サンダカン八番娼館」の主人公であるサキさんから、3週間もの間、寝食を共にしてインタビューを受けたことは有名な話であるけれど、そのきっかけは何であったのかについては諸説があったようだ。

◎ それは、岩手大学建設環境工学科・建設工学講座構造工学研究室「宮本裕と研究室」のホームページにあるような、いかにも真実らしい意見が多い。

・ 山崎朋子は底辺女性史の研究家と自称する。
・ 底辺で苦労し、今も差別の最下層にいる人が、誰だかわからぬ人に自分のことを話すはずがない。
・ まして男の研究者には絶対できないこと。彼女はしかし、彼女なりの努力をしたと書いてある。
・ ムカデの這う腐った畳の上に勧められるままにあがり、その元からゆきさんの作った食事を二人で一緒に食べて数週間暮らした。(誰にもできることではない)
・ そういう生活をしてはじめて、相手は心を許したのだろう。

◎  山崎さんは、単身で何のアポイントもないまま、天草へ取材に出かけ、街の小さな食堂に入って焼きそばを注文したら、「それではお腹がすくので、チャーハンもたのむといいよ」と話しかけてきたおばあさんがいた。見ると、自分が吸うたばことして、食堂の灰皿から吸い殻を集めているらしいので、「これをお吸い下さい」と、当時、山崎さんが吸っていたハイライトを差し出したそうだ。

◎ すると、サキさんは「こんな高級なたばこは、私にはもったいない」と固持したという。そこから、話を続けていったら、サキさんこそが取材対象であり、彼女は運命的なものを感じたとう語っていた。今、わが国を含めて、たばこへの風当たりは強いけれども、こんな話を聞くと「たばこは凄い」と思うのだ。たばこの持つ、「出会いの効果」「警戒心を解きほぐすツール」「話をつむぎ出す潤滑油」などの効用は、絶対に否定されるべきではないし、安易に健康志向へ走る必要はないと実感できる。

◎  さらに、山崎さんが外国たばこや両切りたばこの「しんせい」「わかば」などではなく、ハイライトであったことも幸いしたと考えられる。当時はハイカラであったけれど、国産のたばこであり、とても良く売れていたハイライトを、サキさんはずっと吸いたいと思っていたに違いない。

◎ それよりも、仮に山崎さんが喫煙者でなかったならば、サキさんとのお話しは続かずに、あの名作「サンダカン八番娼館」は生まれなかったのではないかと思うのだ。まさに、1本のハイライトが奇跡のを生んだのである。最近の人々は、物事をハッキリ言えない人間を嫌い、健康に悪いたばこを吸っている人間に冷たい視線を送り、漂うたばこの煙に目くじらを立てるけれど、人には「煙に巻きたい」こともあるわけで、言うに言えないことを抱えていたりするのだから、そんな私たち愛煙家との共生について、寛容な精神を併せ持ってもらいたいのだ。(2002/1/19)

On February 17, 2002, I watched "Happan-Manjo" broadcast on NTV at 11:00 am.
The person who appeared on that day was Ms. Tomoko Yamazaki, wearing a hat, which she herself says she loves, and speaking matter-of-factly about her tumultuous history.

It is a well-known story that she was interviewed by Saki, the main character in "Sandakan Hachiban Syokan," for three weeks, eating and sleeping together, but there were many theories as to how it all started.

Many of them are true, as can be seen on the website of the "Laboratory with Hiroto Miyamoto," a structural engineering laboratory of the Department of Construction and Environmental Engineering and the Construction Engineering Department at Iwate University.

Tomoko Yamazaki calls herself a researcher of bottom-up women's history.

She is a researcher of women's history at the bottom of the market, and she is a researcher of women's history at the bottom of the market. 

She was a woman who had struggled at the bottom and was still at the bottom of discrimination, and would never tell anyone who she was, much less a male researcher. She did, however, make her own efforts, it says.

She went up on a rotten tatami mat crawling with centipedes as recommended, and lived for several weeks together eating meals prepared by Yuki-san from the tatami mat. (This is not something anyone can do.) 

It was only after living like that that the other person must have forgiven her.

Yamazaki went to Amakusa for an interview by himself without any appointment. When he entered a small diner in town and ordered yakisoba, an elderly woman spoke to him, saying, "That will make you hungry, so you should also order fried rice." 

She said she was collecting cigarette butts from the diner's ashtray as cigarettes for herself to smoke, so she said, "Please smoke this one," and offered her a hi-lite, which Ms. Yamazaki was smoking at the time.

Saki-san was adamant, saying, "Such a high-class cigarette is a waste of money for me.

We continued our conversation, and she told me that she felt a sense of fate that Ms. Saki was the subject of the interview.

Although there is a strong public criticism of cigarettes in Japan and elsewhere today, stories like this make me think that cigarettes are great.

The benefits of cigarettes, such as the "meeting effect," "a tool to relax the mind," and "a lubricant that brings conversations together," should never be denied, and we can realize that there is no need to easily become health-conscious.

It is also fortunate that Ms. Yamazaki did not use foreign cigarettes or double-cut cigarettes such as "Shinsei" and "Wakaba," but instead used hi-lite cigarettes.

Ms. Saki must have always wanted to smoke hi-lite, which was a high-caliber but domestically produced cigarette at the time and sold very well.

More importantly, if Ms. Yamazaki had not been a smoker, I believe that the conversation with Saki would not have continued and the masterpiece "Sandakan Hachiban Syokan" would not have been born.

It is truly a miracle that one highlight gave birth to a miracle.

People these days dislike people who cannot say things clearly, look coldly at people who smoke cigarettes, which are bad for their health, and fret about cigarette smoke wafting through the air.

However, there are things that people want to "smoke out", things that are unspeakable, and I would like people to have a tolerant spirit when it comes to living with us smokers. (Jan. 19, 2002)

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