The orthodox civilization is the festival politics of Japan


White birds of my boy's day ・遠い少年の日の白い鳥 6

2017-09-14 06:00:25 | 世界経済

I protested it ,
" It is unreasonable to make me go twice .
Then , this old woman said ,
" That's because of your training ."
The boy thought , " it is lie and it is a whim of the old woman ."
For a child aged 9 years , the sake bottle was so heavy , she took the bottle and drank it ,
" Gubi Gubi "
Then , she put her finger on the cuticle ,
" Keep it secret to my husband ! "
It is a custom from the time geisha that she drank a lot of liquor .

 「それもこれも おまえの修行のためなんだよ」
 「グビ グビ グビ」
 「御前(ごぜん)さまには ナイショだよ」
