The orthodox civilization is the festival politics of Japan


White birds of my boy's day ・遠い少年の日の白い鳥 12

2017-09-23 05:10:31 | 世界経済

The dream was so vivid that I got up after it , and on that day I was very sleepy .
I am in the sky , a big snake goes under my eyes , the width is hundred of meters long and its length is ten and several kilometers , which is overwhelming force , he is almost river .
A mountain ahead , three birds to the left , a moon to the right .
It has absolute power , in front of him , human beings are so helpless .
The snake is said to be unconscious ,
" Why are you so shocked ? "
" Because a dream is an emotion itself ."
Water is also unconscious , Japan is above a big unconscious .     
 上は私の夢、比較的にうまく表現できた、実際はもっとvivid 〈鮮烈)で、古代人・未開人の気分が分かった。


 「なぜ そんなに戦慄的なんだろう」
 「夢は emotion そのものだからです」
