
F1 イタリアGP初日  ガスリー コメント

Pierre Gasly - FP1: 1:35.438, P6; FP2: 1:23.402, P14

“Today was a busy day. Between the rain this morning and the afternoon being dry, we could analyse the car in both conditions. We had a positive start to the day during the rain, and this afternoon we did some good work in the long runs. Overall, we need to work and try to find more performance as the car didn’t feel too great, I think there’s room to improve for tomorrow. Hopefully there will be some rain for us which will level the playing field and make things more exciting.”

↓        ↓

誤訳は ご容赦を。



Pierre Gasly - FP1: 1:35.438, P6; FP2: 1:23.402, P14

ピエール ガスリー 練習素行1 1分35秒438 6位 練習走行2  1分23秒402 14位

“Today was a busy day.

今日は    忙しい一日だったよ。


Between the rain this morning  and the afternoon being dry,

          朝の雨と          午後の(路面が)乾いて行く間で

we could analyse     the car         in both conditions.

僕達は  解析出来たんだ このマシンの(雨と晴れの)両方の状態をね.



We had a positive start to the day during the rain,

僕達は 雨の中 ポジティブなスタートを切れたよ



this afternoon


we did some good work      in the long runs.

僕達は ちょっと良い作業が出来たよ  長距離ランでね



we need to work and try          

僕達は   作業してトライする必要があるんだ

                                   to find more performance


                  as the car didn’t feel too great,

              だって このマシンは そんなに素晴らしい感じではなかったからね



I think     there’s room to improve       for tomorrow.

僕は思うんだ 改善の余地が有るんじゃないかなってね 明日の為の(改善の余地がね)。






there will be some rain  for us

ちょっと雨になったらな  僕達のためにね

          which will level the playing field

          雨によって (マシンの格差が)無くなって



               make things more exciting.”

                  よりエキサイティングなレースに なるからね。


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