「今日の小さなお気に入り」 - My favourite little things


夏の終わり 2018・12・09

2018-12-09 06:30:00 | Weblog



    " Our sons will go to the universities to study dentistry

    or law and to become fatly affluent before they are

    thirty . Men who will stand over six feet tall and who

    will move their fat , pudgy fingers over the limited

    possibilities to be found in other people's mouths .

    Or men who sit behind desks shuffling papers relating

    to divorce or theft or assault or the taking of life .

    To grow prosperous from pain and sorrow and the

    desolation of human failure . They will be far removed 

    from the physical life and will seek it out only through

    jogging or golf or games of handball with friendly

    colleagues . They will join expensive private clubs

    for the pleasures of perspiration and they will not

    die in falling stone or chilling water or thousands

    of miles from those they love . They will not die

    in any such manner , partially at least because we

    have told them not to and have encouraged them

    to seek out other ways of life which lead , we hope ,

    to gentler deaths . And yet because it seems they will

    follow our advice instead of our lives , we will experience ,

   in any future that is ours , only an increased sense of

    anguished isolation and an ironic feeling of confused

    bereavement . Perhaps it is always so for parents who 

    give the young advice and find that it is followed .

    And who find that those who follow such advice must

    inevitably journey far from those who give it , to distant

    lonely worlds which are forever unknowable to those 

    who wait behind . Yet perhaps those who go find in the

    regions to which they travel but another kind of

    inarticulate loneliness . Perhaps the dentist feels

    mute anguish as he circles his chair , and the lawyer

    who lives in a world of words finds little relationship

    between professional talk and what he would hope

    to be true expression . Perhaps he too in his quiet

    heart sings something akin to Gaelic songs, sings in an 

    old archaic language private words that reach to no

    one . And perhaps both lawyer and dentist journey

    down into an Africa as deep and dark and distant as

    ours .

    I can but vaguely imagine what I will never know . "


   上に引用したのはアリステア・マクラウドさん ( 1936 - 2014 )

   の短編小説 ” The Closing Down of Summer  ” ( 1976 ) の一節 。

    どんな頭脳が書くんだろう 、こんな難解な文章 。

    先だって引用した中野恵津子さん( 1944 - 2013 ) の完成度の高い

   「 日本語訳 」の「 英語原文 」です 。

    どんな頭脳が訳すんだろう 、こんな難解な文章を平易で達意の日本語に 。  



#アリステア・マクラウド # 中野恵津子訳  #灰色の輝ける贈り物 #新潮社
#AlistairMacLeod #TheClosingDownofSummer 

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