総理大臣 菅 直人 様
1. 世界人権宣言および自由権規約や社会権規約をはじめとする、国際的に認められた人権諸基準を復興政策の根幹に据えること。
2. 国または自治体での復興政策の立案、推進に際しては、必ず人権政策を担当する専門官を設置すること。
3. 復興政策の立案に際しては、必ず被災当事者の参加を確保しその意見を反映させること。また、復興政策の立案、推進に関わる機関については、ジェンダーバランスに配慮するほか、メンバーの国籍を問わないこと。社会に暮らすさまざまなマイノリティの参加を広範に保障すること。
4. 復興政策の立案と復興施策の実施にあたっては、部門別の縦割り行政を排し、被災当事者を総合的に支援すること。
5. 原子力発電施設の安全性に関わる問題について透明性を確保し、関係住民に対してあらゆる必要な情報を多言語で遅滞なく公開すること。
6. 特に高齢の被災者や障がい者、外国籍の被災者などに対して、医療や介護、各種申請手きなど適切なコミュニティサービスを提供すること。
7. 貧困状態あるいは震災により収入手段を絶たれた被災者が、倒壊した家屋を再建するために適切な扶助をおこなうこと。
8. 以上を効果的に処理、推進することを重要な任務の一つとして、国内人権機関の設置を急ぐこと。
106-0032 東京都港区六本木3-5-11
April 25, 2011
Prime Minister Mr. Naoto KAN
Human Rights should be cornerstone of reconstruction work
We, Joint Action by NGOs for National Human Rights Institution and Individual Communications, urge Japanese Government and relevant agencies to put human rights in the cornerstone of reconstruction
policy in the devastated area by the Great East Japan Earthquake.
The Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami cost many lives and ruined the living environment in the regions. We, Joint Action by NGOs for National Human Rights Institution and Individual Communications, pray for the disaster victims and express our heartfelt condolences for the
suffering people.
The earthquake and tsunami disaster is an unprecedented natural catastrophe in terms of the number of victims, nearly 30,000 including the dead and disappeared, and the massive leakage of radioactive
materials from Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, which is far from over. The international community promptly reacted and carefully watches the developments. Neighboring and other counties all over the world have kindly offered wide range of supports and assistances.
Life and human rights must be given the highest priority in any circumstances. Not only providing psychiatric or psychological treatments to people suffering from PTSD or stresses due to prolonged
evacuation life, Government must take all necessary measures to prevent discriminations or human rights violations in affected areas.
Workers at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant still undertake dangerous work at the risk of exposure to radiation in hazardous environment. On the other hand, for example, in Tsukuba city, Ibaraki Prefecture, people evacuated from Fukushima were reportedly requested to submit radiation screening test result, which we consider as an unreasonable discrimination. Therefore, we call on the Government to
introduce the framework and specific measures immediately to protect human rights at all levels of reconstruction efforts.
International human rights standards must be applied to reconstruction and resettlement plan which the Government will develop.
Recommendations issued by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in 2001 concerning the fact of Kobe earthquake aftermath are also applicable to future reconstruction and
resettlement plan.
In view of the above, we urge Japanese Government and the relevant agencies to take the following steps in the reconstruction policy.
1. Put International human rights standards including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social
and Cultural Rights as the pillar of the reconstruction and resettlement plan.
2. Mandatory assign experts for human rights issues while developing and promoting reconstruction and resettlement plan of the state or of local governments.
3. Ensure the participation of affected people and reflect their opinion in developing the reconstruction and resettlement plan. As for organizations to develop and promote such plan, their members should
be gender- and nationality-balanced. Guarantee participation of the wide range minorities in the community in such organizations.
4. With regard to developing the reconstruction and resettlement plan and its implementation, avoid the red tape customs to support the affected people comprehensively.
5. Ensure transparency on safety issues of nuclear power plants and make public, in multiple languages, all the necessary information to the relevant residents.
6. Provide appropriate community services to affected people, in particular the older, the disabled and foreigners, including medical care, nursing care or various application procedures.
7. Provide appropriate assistance to people living in poverty or affected people who lost their income by the disaster in reconstruction of their destroyed houses.
8. Establish the National Human Rights Institution which should play an important role in addressing and promoting the above-mentionedrequests.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio EDANO
Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshito SENGOKU
Assistant to Prime Minister Kiyomi TSUJIMOTO
National Governor’s Association
Japan Association of City Mayors
National Association of Towns & Villages
K.K.Kyodo News
The Japan Times Ltd
The Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan
Inter Press Service News Agency
Joint Action by NGOs for National Human Rights Institution and Individual Communications
106-0032 Roppongi 3-5-11, Minato-ku, Tokyo
c/o Citizens’ Council for Human Rights Japan
総理大臣 菅 直人 様
1. 世界人権宣言および自由権規約や社会権規約をはじめとする、国際的に認められた人権諸基準を復興政策の根幹に据えること。
2. 国または自治体での復興政策の立案、推進に際しては、必ず人権政策を担当する専門官を設置すること。
3. 復興政策の立案に際しては、必ず被災当事者の参加を確保しその意見を反映させること。また、復興政策の立案、推進に関わる機関については、ジェンダーバランスに配慮するほか、メンバーの国籍を問わないこと。社会に暮らすさまざまなマイノリティの参加を広範に保障すること。
4. 復興政策の立案と復興施策の実施にあたっては、部門別の縦割り行政を排し、被災当事者を総合的に支援すること。
5. 原子力発電施設の安全性に関わる問題について透明性を確保し、関係住民に対してあらゆる必要な情報を多言語で遅滞なく公開すること。
6. 特に高齢の被災者や障がい者、外国籍の被災者などに対して、医療や介護、各種申請手きなど適切なコミュニティサービスを提供すること。
7. 貧困状態あるいは震災により収入手段を絶たれた被災者が、倒壊した家屋を再建するために適切な扶助をおこなうこと。
8. 以上を効果的に処理、推進することを重要な任務の一つとして、国内人権機関の設置を急ぐこと。
106-0032 東京都港区六本木3-5-11
April 25, 2011
Prime Minister Mr. Naoto KAN
Human Rights should be cornerstone of reconstruction work
We, Joint Action by NGOs for National Human Rights Institution and Individual Communications, urge Japanese Government and relevant agencies to put human rights in the cornerstone of reconstruction
policy in the devastated area by the Great East Japan Earthquake.
The Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami cost many lives and ruined the living environment in the regions. We, Joint Action by NGOs for National Human Rights Institution and Individual Communications, pray for the disaster victims and express our heartfelt condolences for the
suffering people.
The earthquake and tsunami disaster is an unprecedented natural catastrophe in terms of the number of victims, nearly 30,000 including the dead and disappeared, and the massive leakage of radioactive
materials from Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, which is far from over. The international community promptly reacted and carefully watches the developments. Neighboring and other counties all over the world have kindly offered wide range of supports and assistances.
Life and human rights must be given the highest priority in any circumstances. Not only providing psychiatric or psychological treatments to people suffering from PTSD or stresses due to prolonged
evacuation life, Government must take all necessary measures to prevent discriminations or human rights violations in affected areas.
Workers at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant still undertake dangerous work at the risk of exposure to radiation in hazardous environment. On the other hand, for example, in Tsukuba city, Ibaraki Prefecture, people evacuated from Fukushima were reportedly requested to submit radiation screening test result, which we consider as an unreasonable discrimination. Therefore, we call on the Government to
introduce the framework and specific measures immediately to protect human rights at all levels of reconstruction efforts.
International human rights standards must be applied to reconstruction and resettlement plan which the Government will develop.
Recommendations issued by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in 2001 concerning the fact of Kobe earthquake aftermath are also applicable to future reconstruction and
resettlement plan.
In view of the above, we urge Japanese Government and the relevant agencies to take the following steps in the reconstruction policy.
1. Put International human rights standards including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social
and Cultural Rights as the pillar of the reconstruction and resettlement plan.
2. Mandatory assign experts for human rights issues while developing and promoting reconstruction and resettlement plan of the state or of local governments.
3. Ensure the participation of affected people and reflect their opinion in developing the reconstruction and resettlement plan. As for organizations to develop and promote such plan, their members should
be gender- and nationality-balanced. Guarantee participation of the wide range minorities in the community in such organizations.
4. With regard to developing the reconstruction and resettlement plan and its implementation, avoid the red tape customs to support the affected people comprehensively.
5. Ensure transparency on safety issues of nuclear power plants and make public, in multiple languages, all the necessary information to the relevant residents.
6. Provide appropriate community services to affected people, in particular the older, the disabled and foreigners, including medical care, nursing care or various application procedures.
7. Provide appropriate assistance to people living in poverty or affected people who lost their income by the disaster in reconstruction of their destroyed houses.
8. Establish the National Human Rights Institution which should play an important role in addressing and promoting the above-mentionedrequests.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio EDANO
Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshito SENGOKU
Assistant to Prime Minister Kiyomi TSUJIMOTO
National Governor’s Association
Japan Association of City Mayors
National Association of Towns & Villages
K.K.Kyodo News
The Japan Times Ltd
The Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan
Inter Press Service News Agency
Joint Action by NGOs for National Human Rights Institution and Individual Communications
106-0032 Roppongi 3-5-11, Minato-ku, Tokyo
c/o Citizens’ Council for Human Rights Japan