By Areha Kazuya
E-mail: areha_kazuya@jcom.home.ne.jp
Chapter 1 Wave of nationalism and socialism (1945-1956)
1-7(13) Young officers awakned by Nakba
The Arabs living in the Palestine could not keep silent against the declaration of independence of the Jewish state Israel. Adjacent Arab countries such as Egypt and Jordan were the same. In terms of number of population, the Jews at the time of declaration of independence was around six to seven hundred thousand. On the other hand, the population of Arabs surpassed 100 times. Speaking of the myths of the Old Testament, it looked like a fight between David and the Giant Goliath. The commanders on the Arab side, therefore, predicted that they will annihilate the Jewish army within 11 days.
Nonetheless, the First Arab Israeli War from 1948 to 1949 ended in Israel's overwhelming victory. Arabs fought a disastrous defeat. Jewish regarded the war as an independent war. The reason was the difference between military force and the fighting spirit.
Certainly the number of soldiers from Arab countries were more than a hundred times higher than the Jewish ones, but in fact the military force sent to the battlefield from Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon were about 10,000, 4,500, 3,000, 2,000 and 1,000 respectively. Total number of combatants including 2,000 soldiers from other Arab countries and Palestine were only 23,000. On the other hand, the Jewish side had about 35,000 regular Haganah forces alone, as well as thousands of combatants such as Irgun and armed colonists. In terms of armament they armed with the modern weapons and had a wealth of funds sent from European and American Jewish communities. The difference in the strength of each side was obvious.
Furthermore, there was a big difference in the soldiers' fighting spirit. Jews had burning spirit for the independence. If they were defeated by war, they would face again for the fate of "diaspora (discrete)". For the Jews it was a war that could not be defeated at all. Both men and women took their weapons with them and stood up. At present Israel still has women's military service obligation. Current military service in various countries around the world is a volunteer system, and there are not many countries of compulsory military service. Even in countries where military duty is required as in South Korea, only men are subjects, and rare in countries where military service is obliged to women like Israel.
On the other hand, although the Arab side attacked Israel from all directions at the same time when the war began, the unity of the Arab Allied Army was nominal, and there was no unified command order system. They were only a crowd of disorderly. Individual soldiers were forced to engage against the Jews with old-fashioned weapons according to the order of their superior officers, without knowing what they were fighting for and for whom. Arab soldiers were defeated everywhere in the front. They named this war "Nakba (great disaster)".
Major Nasser who became Egyptian president later also served in war and injured. Gamal Abdel Nasser was born in 1918. After graduating from the military academy in 1939, he moved to Sudan. Then he threw himself into the Egypt liberation movement during World War II. He was a young age of 30 at the time of the First Arab Israeli War. In this era, the only way that boys who could not go on to college due to poverty despite having excellent brain was to join the military academies. In military academy, they did not need to worry about food, clothing and housing. They got even salary. Furthermore, could master the latest technology, and if they had achieved excellent grades they had a chance to study abroad. For ambitious but poor young, there was no job exceeding military service.
After graduating from the military school, however, there was a tough war in the motherland betting his own life. When defeated by the first Arab Israeli War, disillusionment against motherland was overflown in the heart of Nasser who had been fighting for the sake of Egypt.
Shuji Terayama, Japanese poet, revealed nihilistic feeling in his poem;
“Striking a match / momentarily / I see the foggy ocean -/ is there a motherland / I can dedicate myself to?”
But Major Nasser was different. Along with General Naguib, he formed a secret society of anti-British patriotism, “Association of Free Officers” and aimed for a revolution.
(To be continued ----)
・OPEC減産継続、米ドル安で原油価格2014年以来の高値に。Brent $71.20, WTI $66.44。
その第一は組織内の専門家(In-house Specialists)が決定的に不足していることである。専門家とは資金調達・運用の専門家ばかりではない。プロジェクトそのものに適切な注意を払い(due diligence)、円滑に推進する専門家も不可欠である。通常の政府系ファンド(SWF)は経営には直接タッチしない。つまり「カネは出すが口は出さない」ものである。クウェイト、アブダビ、カタールなどのSWFは特にそうである。ところがPIFが手掛ける国内事業は初めてのものばかりであり国内に専門家が育っていない。結局プロジェクトの多くは外国のコンサルタントや企業に依存することになり、外国企業のいいなりになりかねないのである。国防産業などはその最たるものであろう。
[1] “Riyadh considers listing Saudi Aramco” on 2016/1/7, MEED
[2] BP資料「世界の国別可採埋蔵量」参照。http://bpdatabase.maeda1.jp/1-1-T01.pdf
[3] 拙稿「サウジアラムコIPOの行方は?」(2017年3月参照)
[4] “Bankers invited to Saudi Arabia to pitch for Aramco listing roles” on 2018/1/8, Arab News
[5] “Saudi budget will boost growth in the non-oil sectors and create jobs, say economists” on 2017/12/21, Arab News
娯楽産業も皇太子好みの事業の一つであり、今年30数年ぶりに映画館の復活を認めたことはその象徴的な例である。映画の他にテーマパーク、テレビゲームなどの事業を奨励しており、さらに紅海沿岸での大規模リゾート開発が進行している。これら事業には欧米専門企業のノウハウが不可欠であり、手っ取り早い方法としてPIFはこれら企業と提携、例えば米国のシネマ・コンプレックス・チェーンAMCとJV契約を締結、サウジ国内でシネマ・コンプレックスを展開し[7]、またリヤド郊外に建設するテーマパークの運営を米国Six Flag社に委託すると同時に同社への資本参加を検討している[8]。なお皇太子は日本の娯楽アニメ産業にも強い関心を示しており、TBSのかつての人気番組「風雲!たけし城」のアラビア版がリヤドのテーマパークに今年10月実現する予定である[9]。また皇太子の名を冠したNPO法人MiSK Foundationはスクエア・エニックス及び東映アニメとMoUを締結したが[10]、いずれPIFが日本企業に資本参加する可能性も否定できない。
製造業としてはPIFが立ち上げ兵器国産化を目指す「サウジ兵器産業(SAMI)」があり、これにより政府は4万人の雇用創出を見込んでいる[12]。また大型地域開発については紅海沿岸のサンゴ礁の島々を一大リゾート地にするRed Sea Projectなどが計画されている。特に皇太子自身が昨年秋に世界の投資家を集めて華々しく打ち上げたプロジェクトがNEOMである。NEOMはエジプト及びヨルダンも巻き込んだ総額5千億ドルという超巨大開発であり、自然エネルギーとロボットが主役となる夢のプロジェクトである。
[1] “Sovereign fund to buy stake in steel firm” on 2015/2/15, MEED
[2] “PIF invests $3.5b in rideshare Uber” on 2016/6/3 on Saudi Gazette
[3] “Kingdom investing billions in global technology fund” on 2016/10/15, Arab News
[4] PIFホームページのVision, Mission and Objectives参照。www.pif.gov.sa/AboutPIF.html
[5] “PIF, Dubai businessman Alabbar launch $1bn e-commerce platform” on 2016/11/13, Arab News
[6] “Saudi Arabian wealth fund takes 50% stake in Alabbar’s Adeptio” on 2016/11/30, Gulf News
[7] “US chain AMC signs deal to build and operate movie theaters in Saudi Arabia” on 2017/12/12, Arab News, www.arabnews.com/node/1207836/saudi-arabia
[8] “Saudi wealth fund PIF said to consider stake in Six Flags” on 2017/2/9, Gulf News
[9] “Saudi version of Takeshi’s Castle coming to Riyadh in 10 months” on 2017/12/5, Arab News
[10] “Saudi creative industries set to soar” on 2017/11/17, Saudi Gazette
[11] “Saudi unemployment 12.8% in 2Q 2017” on 2017/10/2, Arab News
[12] “Saudi Arabia launches national defense company” on 2017/5/18, Arab News
[13] “Saudi wealth fund aims to nearly double size by 2020” on 2017/10/26, Arab News
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Chapter 1 Wave of nationalism and socialism (1945-1956)
By Areha Kazuya
E-mail: areha_kazuya@jcom.home.ne.jp
1-6(12) Israeli independence(4): Independence of Israel after terrorism against UK
Terrorism means the use of intentionally indiscriminate violence as a means to create terror, or fear, to achieve a political, religious or ideological aim. Terror accompanied with civilian victim is never permitted. Terror usually occurs in the battle of the nation's independence. The ruler or authority of the time sees terror as a criminal act disturbing social order. The anti-governmental power, on the contrary, argues that terrorism is one of the legitimate measures for achieving the object. There is no compromise between the two assertions.
Many terrorist acts are usually crushed by authorities who hold security power, but when the rebellion takes power and the independence is recognized as a new state, the position will be reversed. The terror acts of the rebels presume as patriotic acts. The performers of terrorism will be admired as hero/heroine, and international community will accept new regime. After the World War II the nation state was the basic unit. Political scientists pretend that only the state is allowed to have legitimate violence unit.
The situation before and after Israel independence was also such example. After World War II Palestinian territory where indigenous Arabs lived became the mandate ruling territory of the UK. The Jews were initially driven by the "Zionism Movement" and then gained the courage by Balfour Declaration. The Jews migrated one after another in Palestine and aimed to acquire their own land. The absentee landlords of the Ottoman Empire felt uneasy about the post-war turmoil. The Jews dazzled the landlords by money, and got the ownership of the land. Jews who became owners of the land swept away Arab peasants and constructed collective farm Kibbutz.
A conflict between Arabs and Jews had occurred. The British government entrusted with mandate administration tried to calm the struggle between Jewish and Arab by restricting the acquisition of land by Jewish immigrants. Then the Jewish resistance movement changed the target to the British government. Terrorist activities frequently occurred in the conflict of the Jews, the Arabs and the British government in a tripartite manner.
The biggest terror activity by the Jews against the UK was the King David Hotel bombing incident in July 1946. 91 people including hotel guests died by this incident. The perpetrator was a extremist Zionist organization and Haganah of which roots was the vigilante of collective farm Kibbutz. Haganah later became the Israeli Defense Forces. After World War II, independence terrorism activities by Haganah and the military organization Irgun, hardliners against Arabs, became intense. The British Government, which lost the control, finally decided to give up mandatory rule on May 14, 1948.
With the chance of independence, Haganah and Irgun strengthen terror activities against both the UK and Arab. Major members of Haganah include Mr. Yitzhak Ravin, who later became Prime Minister and won the Nobel Peace Prize, and Moshe Dayan with black-eye patch, who had a number of heroic story. In Irgun there were Menahham Beguin who also became prime minister.
The Jews proclaimed independence just on the day of UK mandate reign. Independent leader Ben Glion read loudly the Israeli Declaration of Independence beginning with the exportation saying, "the Land of Israel was the birthplace of the Jewish people." The neighbouring Arab countries did not recognize the independence of Israel and took military intervention. This was the First Arab-Israeli War.
In March 1949, Elat, a port town located in the innermost part of Gulf of Aqaba connecting to the Red Sea also became a battlefield and was occupied by the Israeli army. The Israeli soldiers made bedsheet of a nearby hotel into a national flag painted by blue ink and hoisted it at the port. This was what was called the "Ink Flag”. The photograph of Ink Flag became to the legend as a symbol of the First Arab-Israeli War. That legend is exactly the same as the picture of “Raising the Flag on Iwojima”, a fierce battlefield of the World War II in Pacific Ocean. Israel secured an exit on the Red Sea in addition to the Mediterranean.
In the same year a boy was born in the Zahra family of Palestinian farmer in the outskirts of Elat town. The Zahra family escaped in this war and was able to continue a quiet life. But there was no guarantee that the peaceful life would last forever.
(To be continued ----)
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