

サウジアラムコと五大国際石油企業の2019年業績比較 (4)

2020-03-30 | 海外・国内石油企業の業績

3.売上高(Sales / Revenue) (図http://menadabase.maeda1.jp/2-D-6-33.pdf 参照)
 2019年のアラムコの売上高は3,298億ドルであったが、これに対してIOC5社で最大の売上を誇るShellはアラムコを上回る3,521億ドルを売り上げている。Shellに続くのはBP 2,784億ドル、ExxonMobil 2,649億ドル、Total 2,003億ドル、Chevron 1,465億ドルであった。


Saudi Aramco: Revenue and other income related to sales
Shell: Total revenue and other income
BP: Sales and other operating revenues
ExxonMobil: Total revenues and other income
Total: Sales
Chevron: Sales and other operating revenues


 このような現象を解明するにはアラムコの売上高の詳細な分析が必要である。同社の決算報告書の製品別売上高 によれば、製品別売上高は原油6,675億リアル、石油精製・化学品3,695億リアル、天然ガス・NGL594億リアルである。これを原油・ガスの生産量と比較すると、原油の生産量がガスの3倍であるのに対し、売上高は原油がガスの10倍以上という大きな差がある。





 前田 高行 〒183-0027 東京都府中市本町2-31-13-601
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2020-03-30 | 今日のニュース






・S&P、オマーンの格付けをBBからBB-に引き下げ。 *





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2020-03-28 | 今日のニュース






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2020-03-28 | 今週のエネルギー関連新聞発表

3/25 国際石油開発帝石




3/25 三菱商事/中部電力




3/26 JXTGホールディングス



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サウジアラムコと五大国際石油企業の2019年業績比較 (3)

2020-03-26 | 海外・国内石油企業の業績

2.純利益(Net income) (図http://menadabase.maeda1.jp/2-D-6-32.pdf 参照)
 昨年のアラムコの純利益は882億ドルであった。これに対してIOC5社は最も利益の多いShellが158億ドル、これに続くのがExxonMobil 143億ドル、Total 113億ドル、BP 40億ドルであり、Chevronが最も少ない 29億ドルであった。

 なお「純利益(Net income)」の言葉は各社決算資料で下記のごとく表現が異なるが、「株主に帰属する純利益」と称する場合が多いようである。

Saudi Aramco: Net income
Shell: Income/loss attributable to shareholders
ExxonMobil: Net income attributable to ExxonMobil (U.S. GAAP)
Total: Consolidated net income (Group share)
BP: Profit (loss) for the period; Attributable to BP shareholders
Chevron: Net income

 上記のごとくアラムコの純利益はIOC各社と大きな開きがあり、アラムコを100とした場合、各社の利益水準はShell 18、ExxonMobil 16、Total 13、BP 5、Chevron 3となる。いずれもアラムコの2割以下であり、5社でトップのShellでもアラムコの6分の1、Chevronは30分の1にとどまっている。またIOC5社の利益を合算しても484億ドルであり、アラムコ1社の半分強にすぎない。



 前田 高行 〒183-0027 東京都府中市本町2-31-13-601
   Tel/Fax; 042-360-1284, 携帯; 090-9157-3642
   E-mail; maeda1@jcom.home.ne.jp


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2020-03-26 | 今日のニュース






・英バークレー銀行、今年の原油価格見通しを12ドル下方修正。Brent $31, WTI $28に。 





・トルコ司法当局、サウジ人ジャーナリスト殺害事件で容疑者20人を起訴。 *





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Two Princes who endanger the Kingdom (3)

2020-03-25 | その他

March 2020


Saudi Arabia recognizes Al-Saud family as the legitimacy of governance and tyrannical monarchy. Prince Muhammad bin Salman is gambling on absolute rulership. He relentlessly detains the royal family members who are against him. His overseas reputation has fallen drastically due to involvement in civil war in Yemen and the murder case of journalist Mr. Khashoggi. The reason for suppressing princes is to hinder the spread of bad publicity inside the country and to establish his strong image as political leader. It is nothing but arrogance. The bet of Crown Prince is even so far.

On the other hand, the bet of Petroleum Minister Prince Abdul Aziz bin Salman, who is gambling on a massive increase in crude oil production and discount sales, is in a very disadvantageous situation due to the imminent global recession triggered by the new coronavirus infection. New oil policies might backfire on the Kingdom itself. It is true that Saudi Arabia's oil policy is determined by Crown Prince Muhammad, and Abdul Aziz is nothing more than a puppet. If the oil policy fails, the return will be back to MbS. But the person who bear the primary responsibility is Prince Abdul Aziz.

If the result is terrible, Prince Abdul Aziz has to shoulder the responsibility. In the past, it was hard to imagine that prince of Saud family had taken responsibility for the results. That was the reason why technocrats like Ahmad Zaki Yamani and Ali Al-Naimi were assigned to the oil minister. Technocrats took full responsibility when the Kingdom’s oil policy came to a deadlock. No royal family members were asked their responsibility.

But the ruthless manner of Crown Prince Muhammad is no exception even to his half-brother. When Prince Alwaleed was detained on charges of corruption, blood relation with MbS were not so close. And when Prince Ahmad and two other princes were detained on charge of treason, their blood relation with MbS were much closer because both of them were members of Sudairi Seven.

Muhammad bin Salman might not hesitate to fire his half-brother. MbS would hesitate only for his father, King Salman. MbS will not be rude while King Salman is alive. But when his father passed away and MbS became king, it is not sure whether his half-brother Abdul Aziz is safe or not. (Of course, it is another matter that whether MbS can reach the thrown). The fact that they are half-brothers might result in tragedy.

Nowadays MbS seems to be lonely and skeptical. The detention after detention of princes tells it. When he will reign as king, a storm of purges strikes in Saudi Arabia, and Prince Abdul Aziz may be the victim same as Kim Jong-nam of North Korea. (He is a half-brother of Kim Jong-un.)

Will MbS continue to play wolf in sheep skin in international arena, especially in front of US President Donald Trump? Will MbS makes effort to monopolize political power and strengthen fear politics in domestic arena? However, as long as MbS flatters on US President, he has to suffer from the contradiction against his low-price and large-scale production oil policy which aimed to erase shale oil and gas industry in the US. And if he strengthens fear politics in the Kingdom, economic stagnation may be inevitable. Not only moderate royal family but also the ordinary citizens will turn into his enemies. Ultimately Islamic extremists may take over and jeopardize the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Saud dynasty in Arabia.

(Reference report) ‘The day when Saudi Arabia changes its name’ (May 2019)

By Areha Kazuya
E-mail: Arehakazuya1@gmail.com


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2020-03-24 | 今日のニュース





・コロナウィルス問題で原油価格さらに4%下落。Brent $25.89, WTI $22.48

・米、石油価格問題解決のためVictoria Coatesをサウジ駐在特別エネルギー代表に任命。 *



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サウジアラムコと五大国際石油企業の2019年業績比較 (2)

2020-03-23 | 海外・国内石油企業の業績

1. 原油・ガス生産量 (図http://menadabase.maeda1.jp/2-D-6-31.pdf 参照)





 なお、上記の通りアラムコとIOC各社の原油生産量には大きな格差があるが、下記に示すように売上高(Revenue or Sales)に目立った差がない(Shellはむしろアラムコより売上高が大きい)ことに留意する必要があろう。


 前田 高行 〒183-0027 東京都府中市本町2-31-13-601
   Tel/Fax; 042-360-1284, 携帯; 090-9157-3642
   E-mail; maeda1@jcom.home.ne.jp



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Two Princes who endanger the Kingdom (2)

2020-03-22 | その他

(Arabic Version)
(Japanese Version)
March 2020


Part 2. Oil Ministers gambles on oil market

On March 5, the OPEC held extraordinary meeting in Vienna, Austria. in December last year, ordinary meeting of OPEC and subsequent meeting with non-OPEC oil-producing countries, the so-called OPEC+ (plus), decided that the production level would be cut by half million B/D furthermore in addition to 1.2 million B/D cut of previous meeting. At the same time Saudi Arabia has announced to cut production by 400,000 B/D voluntarily. As a result, a total of 2.1 million B/D, equivalent to 2% of world crude oil production, diminished from the market. OPEC expected that the oil prices would rise.

However, production increase by shale oil & gas producers in US resulted in to offset the effects of OPEC+ production cuts (see U.S. Oil Production Trends (2017-December 2019)). And the global oil market faces the new enemy; coronavirus infection. China blocked Hubei Province entirely, but it has spread all over the world. The world economy has been paralyzed. Oil prices have plummeted due to both oversupply and weak demand.

Saudi Arabia has determined that OPEC+ should inevitably decrease oil production. They proposed an additional 1.5 million B/D cut in addition to the existing 2.1 million B/D cut. The plan requested OPEC member countries to cut 1 million B / D and non-OPEC countries such as Russia to cut 0.5 million B/D respectively. On March 5, OPEC officially announced that OPEC+ would implement an additional 1.5 million B/D cut by the end of June as proposed by Saudi Arabia . It was odd that a second press release was issued on the same day that the production cut would be extended till the end of the year . It is unprecedented for a press release to be issued twice after the OPEC meeting. It indicated the disorder inside OPEC. The series of decisions undoubtedly reflected the intentions of Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, the de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia. Petroleum Minister Prince Abdul Aziz bin Salman was worried by Crown Prince, and OPEC members were worried by Saudi Arabia.

Production cut announced by OPEC covered not only OPEC members but also non-OPEC alliances, such as Russia. Therefore, the conclusion at OPEC conference on Mar. 5th should be endorsed at the OPEC+ meeting on the next day. However, Russia had been negative for additional production cut because US has increased shale oil production during the cut of 2.1 million B/D by OPEC+. Russia thought that US has eventually benefited. From the beginning, Russia was against the additional production cut.

Russian Petroleum Minister Alexander Novak returned to Moscow to consult with President Putin when Saudi Arabia proposed additional production cut at a pre-OPEC+ meeting. Abdul Aziz bin Salman unilaterally decided to announce a further production cut by OPEC+ by the end of the year without consent by his counterpart Alexander Novak. Novak returned from Moscow to Vienna in the morning on March 6. 

One month ago, King Salman and President Putin confirmed on a telephone call that the oil market should be stabilized . Saudi Petroleum Minister Abdul Aziz bin Salman had no conception about Putin’s real intention. He was too simple-minded to believed that Russia would accept the Saudi proposal. Anyhow, his assertive manipulation at the OPEC meeting and lack of foresight might be the cause of the collapse of OPEC+ regime.

Together with the collapse of the OPEC+ regime and the uncertainty of the new coronavirus disease (COVID19), crude oil prices plunged under $ 30 per barrel. With no signs of economic recovery of the world, oil prices are unlikely to recover for the time being. Saudi Arabia, nevertheless, announced to reduce oil prices  and increase oil production . Saudi Arabia has abandoned its role as a swing producer to maintain prices and changed its oil policy drastically. It is sure that Petroleum Minister Abdul Aziz bin Salman is a mere puppet that moves at the mercy of the Crown Prince.

In any case, Saudi Arabia has shown the intention to expel shale oil & gas producers in US from the market by lowering price and increasing production. But the damage against Saudi Arabia is fatal, too. It is a death match between the United States and Saudi Arabia. Prince Abdul Aziz bin Salman might move about in confusion in the game.

(Reference report) Saudi New Oil Minister: Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman (October 2019)

(To be Continued----)

By Areha Kazuya
E-mail: Arehakazuya1@gmail.com



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