・G20、OPEC総会を前に原油価格低迷。Brent $60.58、WTI $51.73。
・LNG貿易は2030年までに倍増:IEA世界エネルギー見通し2018年版。 *
*レポート「BPエネルギー統計2018年版:天然ガス篇 4世界の天然ガス貿易」参照。
サウジアラビアはサウド家が支配する王制国家であり、その正式な国名は’Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’である。そもそも「サウジアラビア」とは「サウド家のアラビア」と言う意味であり、支配一族の名前が国名の一部をなしている国家は世界的にも珍しく、同国以外ではイスラームの開祖ムハンマドにつながる名門ハシミテ家の名を冠したヨルダン(Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan)だけであろう。
(*)「ワッハーブの息子ムハンマド」の意味。「ビン」は息子を表す接頭辞であり「イブン」と発音することもある。娘の場合は「ビント」。アラブ人は通常このように自分の名前(First Name)の後に父親の名前(Second Name)、更には祖父の名前(Third Name)を付け、最後に定冠詞「al」の後に一族名(Family Name)を付する。
[2] 2006年に当時の第6代アブダッラー国王が創設した「忠誠委員会」により後継者(皇太子)の指名はアブドルアジズ初代国王(通称イブン・サウド)の子息とその子孫に限定されたため、スナイヤーンなどの五家の外戚は後継者選定メンバーから外れた。なお第6代サルマン(現)国王は忠誠委員会を骨抜きにして息子ムハンマドを強引に皇太子にしたとされる。
By Areha Kazuya
E-mail: areha_kazuya@jcom.home.ne.jp
7-3(56) The Peace on The Horizon
People expected that the peaceful and safety life would follow to “Arab Spring”. But Arab Spring has ironically produced massive refugees in the Middle East that have never been before. People lived plainly in their hometowns before. But when the civil war took place in their country, they had no choice but to escape across the border. Firstly, their border was the product of The Sykes-Pico Agreement signed between UK and France in 1916. The border had been drawn before they were born. Now, Border was going to melt down under their eyes by Islamic State (IS).
Japanese people surrounded by the sea and having no terrestrial border lines can enjoy peace as common. Therefore, it is very difficult for Japanese to understand the pain of refugees in the Middle East who suffered from the conflict about the terrestrial border and were expelled from their hometown.
"Even if a nation state was broken, their rivers and mountains remain." This phase is one of the Oriental way of thinking. It seems difficult to share the same view in the monotheistic world of Islam. Among the elderly people of the Arabs, "Inshallah (If Good wills)" is widely accepted for his own fate. But young people is not able to accept passive philosophy as his parents. He gets angry to the contradiction and inequality in the secular world. He believes the promised heaven in the afterlife. He commits suicide bombing making a martyr of himself and rushes to heaven.
Young people who prefer IT rather than martyrdom looks for social reform by using the Internet's SNS. They call for an anti-government demonstration through SNS to overthrow dictatorship. The young generation defeated the dictatorship. It was the so-called Arab Spring. But the movement did not continue. Why? It was proved that the society became activated easily when called on the Internet. To activate the society was easy, but to change it was not so easy.
In the Arab world the outcome of the student democratic movement was taken over by tribal powers or religious forces. The democratic forces lamented that their fruits have been stolen. That was the truth of the modern Arab and Islamic world. In the Arab-Islamic world, the ties of the "blood" of tribe, and the bond of "religion" of Islam took root in firmly. But there was no bond of "ideology” like democracy. Ideology is a product of acquired wisdom. However, the conflict cannot be solved by the ties of "blood" or the bond of "religion". If any new ideology would be born in the Middle East, which is not necessarily a product of West Europe like democracy, it might be possible to open the door for the peace.
The tweet of the ordinary citizens can be heard. They say that the long and severe age of dictatorship before Arab Spring was more peaceful than now. Judging from the chaos situation in these days, there is some truth in the story. Peace in freedom is short and peace in oppression lasts long. It is an ironic paradox.
During 70 years after the World War II, history changed swiftly. People of today accustomed to the speed of change may be assertive that the history changes during his life. Eternal peace is laying in front of that illusion. People in the Middle East is chasing for the dream that a great leader will appear and receive the laurel from the goddess of peace someday in the future.
(The end)
11/19 JXTGホールディングス
11/19 国際石油開発帝石
イクシス LNG プロジェクト 操業開始記念式典の開催について(お知らせ)
By Areha Kazuya
E-mail: areha_kazuya@jcom.home.ne.jp
7-2(55) Increasing refugees
Once a war between nations or a civil war in the country breaks out, many casualties come out to innocent citizens. Not only death or injuries involved in the battle, but also there are many refugees who lose their land and house and wander about foreign soil.
It was 1948 Arab-Israeli War so called Israeli Independence War that the first refugees appeared in the Middle East after the World War II. They were called Palestinian refugees. They escaped to the Palestinian Autonomous Region in Israel or refugee camps in Jordan and Lebanon. The number of Palestinian refugees registered in the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) reached 4.5 million. There were 12 refugee camps in Lebanon and 450,000 people lived in a poor living condition.
Before a Palestinian refugee problem has been solved, much larger number of refugees were born in Syria. Triggered by "Arab Spring" in 2011, government troops and anti-government forces confronted in Syria. Furthermore, extremist of Islamic fundamentalism declared the establishment of Islamic State (IS). Mass refugees were born in conflict zones across Syria and Iraq. The word "mass refugees" that accounts refugees as a quantity reminds the sense of self-reproach. But the proper terminology could not be found except “mass refugees”.
It is said that about 4.1 million Syrian refugees fled to abroad in conflict and 7.6 million people were evacuating domestically. It is about half of the total population of Syria and they occupies one fifth of the total number of refugees in the world. As the civil war in Syria became in a mire, supply of relief for internally displaced people stagnated, and food and medicines were stopped. The refugees aimed for camps of neighboring countries in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan. But there was no room to accommodate new refugees.
They, therefore, aimed for Germany which was emigrant-friendly country. They started a long journey to Western Europe on foot along the road. Many Syrian refugees were from the middle class living in urban areas. When they were in their hometown, they had already acquaintance with the peaceful and rich life of Western Europe, while they saw the savage and non-civilized behavior of "Islamic State" (IS) on the Internet. They scared of the fear if their city was controlled by IS. As soon as they heard the footsteps of the IS, they sold all of family premise and escaped to Turkey. Then they aimed for Western Europe.
Unlike the poor African refugees who struggled to cross the Mediterranean with nothing but the closes one wore, Syrian refugees were not penniless. In classified refugees, African refugees were economic refugees, while Syrian refugees were political refugees. What Syrian refugees valued after their lives was a smartphone. They aimed for the west on foot with a smartphone to check the current location and collected information from their close friends going ahead about which border checkpoints would accept refugees. If the checkpoint was closed, they looked for the place where they could cross the border without permission. They conveyed such information to friends and relatives who were following them. At the same time they kept in touch with relatives who have already migrated to Europe, asking for a good place to settle. A smartphone was a lifeline for them.
However, the capacity to accept refugees in European countries had reached to their limit. It was not due to the reason of the economic burden of each country, but citizen’s anxiety of unemployment by a huge number of poor immigrants or political and social fear of Islamic terrorism which had been spread among society. Already there were many African refugees settled in suburbs of the big cities in Europe. The unemployment rate of second generation of African Immigrants was high. Some of young Muslim guys influenced by Islamic extremism. They felt desperation and carried out suicide bombings in the city. In the meanwhile, the extreme right powers of native European got support from the traditional people. They urged on immigrant exclusion and Islam phobia.
(To be continued ----)
11/11 OPEC
JMMC meeting in Abu Dhabi focuses on supply and demand outlook for 2019
11/12 国際石油開発帝石
四 半 期 報 告 書
11/12 Total
Total and ADNOC join forces to launch unconventional gas exploration in Abu Dhabi
11/14 経済産業省
11/14 出光興産
平成31年3月期 第2四半期決算短信〔日本基準〕(連結)
11/14 昭和シェル石油
2018年度 第3四半期決算について
11/14 石油連盟
石油増税反対 総決起大会について
11/15 経済産業省
11/16 国際石油開発帝石
オーストラリア イクシスLNGプロジェクト 液化石油ガス(LPG)の出荷開始について(お知らせ)
11/16 Total
Total signs a Memorandum of Understanding with the State of Papua New Guinea on the key terms of the Gas Agreement of the Papua LNG Project and launches engineering studies