


2018-03-31 | 今日のニュース




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2018-03-31 | 今週のエネルギー関連新聞発表

3/26 国際石油開発帝石 オーストラリア イクシス LNG プロジェクト 主要施設における生産開始に向けた準備状況 及び今後の予定について  


3/26 丸紅 米国におけるシェールオイル・ガス権益の一部売却について 


3/27 Total Total becomes a founding partner of the Cathay Smart Energy Fund to invest in the new energy sector in China  


3/28 昭和シェル石油 役員の新業務分担のお知らせ 


3/28 石油資源開発 相馬LNG基地の操業開始について  


3/28 ExxonMobil ExxonMobil to Release 2017 Financial and Operating Review  


3/28 Shell Shell completes sale of its stake in Iraq’s West Qurna 1 oil field to ITOCHU Corporation  


3/28 Saudi Aramco PETRONAS, Saudi Aramco announce formation of their two new joint ventures in Malaysia 



3/29 住友商事 東京湾におけるSTS方式での船舶向けLNG燃料供給事業の共同検討に関する覚書を締結 


3/29 ExxonMobil ExxonMobil Wins Eight Deepwater Blocks in Latest Brazil Bid Round  


3/29 Shell Shell expands Brazil operated footprint with new deep-water blocks  


3/30 国際石油開発帝石 インドネシア共和国 アバディ LNG プロジェクトにおける Pre-FEED 作業の開始について  



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2018-03-28 | 今日のニュース



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"The Peace on The Horizon - 70 Years after The World War 2 in the Middle East"(21)

2018-03-25 | 中東諸国の動向


(Japanese Version)

(Arabic Version)

(Table of contents)


By Areha Kazuya

E-mail: areha_kazuya@jcom.home.ne.jp


Chapter 2 Global wave – The end of colonial era and the emerging two super powers

2-7(21) Six Day War and the death of Nasser


Formed in 1964, the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) started activities to recapture the land from Israel. Its headquarter was placed in Amman, Jordan.


At that time there were many changes in political alignment in the Middle East, such as establishment of the United Arab Republic by Egypt and Syria in 1958, its resolution in1961, the attempt of the Arab Federation by two monarchies in Iraq and Jordan in 1958, the Iraq Revolution of the same year, and the civil war in Yemen in 1962. Israel has been staring these incidents at this sideways. Dictatorial leaders of Egypt, Syria and Iraq raised their voices towards their citizens saying "Drive Israel into the Mediterranean Sea!" to appreciate their own misconduct or to justify power. Regardless of the eastern and western world, the dictator used to agitate by hate speech to turn away the eyes of the public.


Meanwhile, Israel also made a fierce campaign against the crisis of nation. Prime Minister Levi Eshkol recalled Moshe Dayan retired officer with eye-patch to the defense minister. Dayan’s strategy was that whoever strike first won. He calmly collected information about the neighboring Arab countries using Mossad, the world top level intelligence. He proved the timing of the sneak attack.


The sneak attack of Israel began on June 5, 1967 at 8 AM. Their target was bordering Egypt, Jordan and Syria. First, Israeli air force attacked the Egyptian Air Force Base on the Sinai Peninsula, and made it impossible to use the runway, and destroyed all of the jet fighters made by USSR on the ground. The Egyptian pilots in bed could not fight back at all. The Israeli army crossed the Sinai Peninsula at a burst, reaching the other side of the Suez Canal.


Israel, who controlled the Sinai Peninsula, returned the heel and occupied the Jordanian territory of the Jordan River so called West Bank, further suppressed the Golan Heights of Syria. The War ended with the result of Israel 's overwhelming victory. The Arab coalition including Egypt was defeated devastatingly. Battle was settled in only 6 days. The war, therefore, was commonly called "6 Day War". In this war Israel got the Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and the Golan Heights at once and doubled its land area. The Sinai Peninsula was later returned to Egypt, but the Gaza Strip, West Bank of Jordan River and the Golan Heights have been occupied by Israel until now.


The Suez Canal has been closed for a while and it has influenced widely on the international economy. More tragedy fell on the Palestinians who lived in the West Bank. Many of them became refugees and flew into Jordan, the number of refugees reached one million.


President Nasser took responsibility for the defeat and announced his resignation at night on June 9, 1967. But Egyptian citizens thought that there was only Nasser that could save Egypt. Just after the announcement of resignation, Cairo citizens asked for Nasser to change his mind and launched a demonstration march on the street. A huge wave of citizens appeared in the street without light due to black out. Only three and a half hours later, Nasser announced a statement to leave the matter to the decision of the National Assembly. Early on the 10th June, the National Assembly urged Nasser to stay as head of state, and Nasser decided to continue his presidency.


In August, the Arab countries held an Arab summit meeting in Khartoum in Sudan and adopted a hardline policy against Israel called “Three No’s”. In other words, it was declarations that "NO acceptance of Jewish nation”, "NO negotiation with Israel", and "NO peace agreement between Arab and Israel". In fact, both Egypt and Jordan wanted to regain their territory from Israel through negotiation with US’s intermediation, but their wish was swept away by the loud voice of the many Arab leaders.


Nasser had kept the president for nearly three years afterwards, but he must have understood that he himself was lame duck. In August 1970, after realizing the ceasefire with Israel, as incumbent president he suddenly died of a heart attack at the age of 52.



(To be continued ----)


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2018-03-24 | 今週のエネルギー関連新聞発表

3/18 Total Abu Dhabi: Total consolidates its strategic partnership with ADNOC by being awarded participating interests in two new 40-year Offshore Concessions on Umm Shaif & Nasr (20%) and Lower Zakum (5%) 


3/19 国際石油開発帝石 オーストラリア 西オーストラリア州沖合 探鉱鉱区(WA-533-P)の落札について  


3/21 OPEC Outstanding performance by participating OPEC-non-OPEC countries leads to highest ever conformity level 


3/23 経済産業省 再生可能エネルギーの2018年度の買取価格・賦課金単価等を決定しました 


3/23 石油資源開発 北海道日高地域沖合における基礎試錐事業の実施について 


3/23 経済産業省 世界に先駆けて水素ステーション100か所が開所します 


3/23 石油連盟 木村 石油連盟会長定例記者会見配布資料 


3/23 Shell Shell to sell its stake in Iraq’s West Qurna 1 oil field to Itochu Corporation  



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2018-03-20 | 海外・国内石油企業の業績



IV. 8カ年(2010-2017年)業績推移の比較(続き)



(図http://menadabase.maeda1.jp/2-D-4-24.pdf 参照)

 5社の2010年から2017年までの石油生産量の推移を見ると、8年間を通じてExxonMobilは他の4社を大きく引き離している。同社の生産量は2,422千B/D(10年) →2,312千B/D(11年) →2,185千B/D(12年) →2,202千B/D(13年) →2,111千B/D(14年)→2,345千B/D(15年)→2,365千B/D(16年) →2,283千B/D(17年)と5社の中で唯一常に2百万B/D以上を維持している。


 ExxonMobil以外の2010年の生産量はChevron (1,923千B/D)、Shell (1,709千B/D)、BP (1,518千B/D)、Total (1,340千B/D)の順であった。2010年以降2014年まで5社はいずれも毎年生産量が減少し続けており、2014年の各社の生産量はExxonMobil2,111千B/D、Chevron1,709千B/D、Shell1,484千B/D、BP1,106千B/D、Total1,034千B/Dに落ち込んだ。2015年から2016年にかけては原油生産量は増加傾向にあり、2017年はほぼ横ばいの状態である。5社の中では特にShellの増産ペースが高くChevronを追い抜きExxonMobilについで2位の生産量を誇っている。


 2010年の生産量を100とした場合、2017年の各社生産量はShell 107、Total 100、ExxonMobil 94、Chevron 90、BP 89であり、5社の中ではShellのみが2010年を上回っているのに対してBP、Chevronは2010年の9割にとどまっている。



(図http://menadabase.maeda1.jp/2-D-4-25.pdf 参照)

 2010年から2017年までの天然ガスの生産量は各社で明暗が分かれている。2010年の生産量はExxonMobilが121億立法フィート/日(以下cfd)で5社のトップであり、Shell 93億cfd、BP84億cfdと続き、Total とChevronはこれら3社よりかなり低く50億cfd台で並んでいる。その後2011年から16年にかけてはExxonMobilとBPの生産量は毎年減少し続け、一方、その他の3社の生産量は横ばい乃至は微増した。その結果2016年にはShellの生産量がExxonMobilを追い抜き、またBPはTotalを下回る水準に落ち込んだ。この傾向は2017年も続き、現在ではShellとExxonMobilが日量100億立方フィートを超え、Total、BP及びChevron3社は60億cfd台の生産量で競り合っている状況である。



(図http://menadabase.maeda1.jp/2-D-4-26.pdf 参照)










        前田 高行


        Tel/Fax; 042-360-1284, 携帯; 090-9157-3642

        E-mail; maeda1@jcom.home.ne.jp


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2018-03-19 | 海外・国内石油企業の業績







IV. 8カ年(2010-2017年)業績推移の比較(続き)


(図http://menadabase.maeda1.jp/2-D-4-23.pdf 参照)








        前田 高行


        Tel/Fax; 042-360-1284, 携帯; 090-9157-3642

        E-mail; maeda1@jcom.home.ne.jp


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"The Peace on The Horizon - 70 Years after The World War 2 in the Middle East"(20)

2018-03-18 | 中東諸国の動向


(Japanese Version)

(Arabic Version)

(Table of contents)


By Areha Kazuya

E-mail: areha_kazuya@jcom.home.ne.jp


Chapter 2 Global wave – The end of colonial era and the emerging two super powers

2-6(20) Establishment of PLO

Egypt gained a political victory by the Suez War in 1956 letting the international community recognize the nationalization of the Suez Canal. But in the military sense, the war itself was definitely a defeat. As a result, Egyptian President Nasser was honored as an Arab hero, but the people called "Palestinians" fell into the whirlpool of history. They continued to live in Palestine or emigrated to neighboring countries like Jordan.


 Palestine is the geophysical name of the east coast of southern Syria. There lived an ethnic group of Semuroids from ancient times, but the oldest tribe to appear in history was the Jewish people speaking Hebrew. They called Palestine the land where Israel promised to them. Israel is another name of Jacob, grandson of Abraham, who was the ancestor of Judea.


But, of course, Jews was not only one tribe who lived there. Majority of the inhabitants were Arabs. In AD century, Palestine was dominated by the Roman Empire. Palestine had been ruled under the Christianity. And when Islam appeared in the 7th century, Palestine became the Arab Muslim world, and thereafter a peaceful period had been continued dominating by Islam for 1300 years. Of course, there were many small conflicts from time to time in the region. And It could not be denied that there was a harsh pressure by Islamic dynasties such as the Ottoman Empire. It was similar in Europe and Asia. But there was no doubt that Palestine was a very peaceful region compared to Europe and other Asian regions. Palestinian people have enjoyed peaceful lives.


It was the European Jews who had broken that peace by means of the homeland construction movement at the beginning of the 20th century. Lord Rothschild and other rich Jews supported the poor brothers who flew into Palestine. They oppressed the indigenous Arab-Muslims. The Jews justified the Palestinian settlements with a political slogan saying "Landless people to people defunct land". But it was clear to everyone that Palestine was not the people defunct land.


Ultimately many Arabs in Palestine left their homeland and moved to neighboring Arab countries as refugees. The first Middle East war, so-called Israel Independence War, accelerated the movement. About 700,000 Arabic Palestinians were kicked out of their homeland. Both Arabs who remained in Palestine or left their homeland were called "Palestinian people" since then. There was no consciousness to themselves as "Palestinians". They had to think themselves as Arabs in Palestine because they had been living in Palestine over several generations. After World War II, the nation state became common and people were categorized where they lived. The Arabs who had been living in Palestine were defined as Palestinians.


The Palestinians believe that their Arab fellows would regain their homeland someday. They endured under the Israel Independence War in 1948 and the Suez war in 1956. However, they were betrayed by the politicians of the Arab countries who boasted to crush Israel in the Israel Independence War. And in the Suez War, Palestinians fully realized the difference of armament between the Egyptian army and the Israeli army in addition to their fighting ability. After all, in the Israeli Independence War, the Arab Allied Forces were only the incapable crowd, and in the Suez War, only Nasser who won the nationalization of the Suez Canal became a hero. In the hearts of the Palestinians there was only a helpless feeling that even if the Arab allies were into one bundle, Arabs could not defeat Israel. It was exactly "Thousands must die to make one hero". The Palestinian people were disappointed in their Arab fellows.


The only way left to the Palestinians was to stand up on their own. In 1964 they formed the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) aimed at self-determination of the people of the Palestinians and the return of the discrete Palestinians.


(To be continued ----)



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2018-03-17 | 今週のエネルギー関連新聞発表

3/15 経済産業省 LNG産消会議2018を開催します~LNG市場の発展に向けた国際プラットフォーム~ 


3/15 三井物産 豪州石油ガス資源開発会社AWE Limitedの公開買付けの延長に関するお知らせ 


3/16 JOGMEC インペックス北カスピ海石油のカザフスタン共和国におけるカシャガン油田追加開発事業の出資採択について 


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2018-03-16 | 今日のニュース



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