

2016年08月13日 | O60→70(オーバー70歳)


[ken] 以前、稲盛氏の『生き方』という本を3回続けて読んだことがあります。後半からは、稲盛氏が仏教の修行で学んだことがつづられており、初めはかなり違和感をもったのですが、経営者にとっての宗教とは世の東西を問わず、精神面での支えになっていると感じました。経済学と宗教の考え方についても深い関わりがあります。それにしても、稲盛氏は漢字の「儲」を「信者をつくれば儲かる」と解釈し、その覚悟として「人間性を磨き続けなければならない」と言い切っているのですね。(つづく)

[page 234]
In Buddhism there is a saying, "The great good and the great evil. For example, a person loves his or her child so much that he or she raises the child to be a bad adult. In Buddhism, this is called 'the little good is like the big bad. But if you only spoil your child, you will do great evil. ----"

[page 236]
The Chinese character for "profit" can be divided into two parts: "believer." In other words, if you make believers, you will make money. If we can gain the respect of not only our customers, but also our employees, the local community, and everyone else, and if we can create followers, we will make money. 
In order to be respected, one's humanity and character must be above the rest. For this reason, a business manager must continue to improve his or her humanity.

[Ken] I once read Mr. Inamori's book "How to Live" three times in succession. The latter half of the book describes what Mr. Inamori learned from his Buddhist practice, which at first was quite disconcerting, but I felt that religion is a spiritual support for business managers, regardless of where they come from in the world. 
There is also a deep connection between economics and the concept of religion. 
Inamori interprets the kanji character for "profit" to mean "if you make followers, you will make money," and he says that one must continue to improve one's human nature in order to be prepared for this. (To be continued)
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