3月24日(土)に放送された「ブラタモリ」は、ちょうど100 回目を迎え、私の命名の地にして、第二の故郷である「宮崎」を巡り、「なぜ 宮崎は“南国リゾート”になった?」を解明してくれました。




鍾乳石は、サンゴ礁の死骸からできる石灰岩を通過する水から形成されますが、宮崎では砂岩の中にできたコンクリューションによって、鍾乳石ができた珍しい事例なのだそうです。私は22歳の時、2度目の宮崎訪問をして、市内在住の友人(現在。宮崎県日南市で市会議員をしている岩永憲明さん )からブラタモリで放送された観光地を案内していただきました。


On Saturday, March 24, "Bratamori" aired for the 100th time and toured Miyazaki, the city that gave me my name and my second hometown, to find out "Why did Miyazaki become a 'tropical resort'?"
The show was a great opportunity to find out.

The fact that the clustered tropical plant, Bilo, survived only in the special topography of Aoshima, and that the Iwakiri Pass is where the founder of Iwakiri Miyazaki Transport Company planted the first phoenix in Japan, based on the ukiyoe of the Fifty-three Stages of the Tokaido.
And what astonished me was the untrue story that "40% of newlyweds flocked to Miyazaki in southern Japan" at its peak.

However, Tropical Miyazaki has been known as a tourist destination since the Meiji era (1868-1912), and was the top popular spot, surpassing Yugawara, Shuzenji, Atami, etc.?

It is the birthplace of Emperor Jinmu, Udo Shrine for prayers of safe delivery, and Oni no Washita (a mille-feuille of mudstone and sandstone that was deposited and then uplifted by volcanic activity) Geologically, the sandstone concretion (jellyfish and other carcasses that hardened the surrounding sand) is rare.
It was a sight to behold, including the fact that it is milk water from the milfoil.

鍾乳石は、サンゴ礁の死骸からできる石灰岩を通過する水から形成されますが、宮崎では砂岩の中にできたコンクリューションによって、鍾乳石ができた珍しい事例なのだそうです。私は22歳の時、2度目の宮崎訪問をして、市内在住の友人(現在。宮崎県日南市で市会議員をしている岩永憲明さん )からブラタモリで放送された観光地を案内していただきました。
Stalactites are formed from water passing through limestone formed from dead coral reefs, but Miyazaki is a rare example of stalactites formed by concretions in sandstone.
When I was 22 years old, I visited Miyazaki for the second time and met a friend of mine who lives in the city (now. Noriaki Iwanaga, who is currently a city councilor in Nichinan City, Miyazaki Prefecture), showed me around the sightseeing spots that were broadcast on Bratamori.

The yellow post boxes that young girls were taking pictures with for Instagram were also impressive. The yellow color was vivid against the blue sky and sea.

As I recalled those days, I was very nostalgic and reaffirmed my appreciation of my second hometown.
Announcer Omi, who had been a great match for Tamori-san with her goofy character, closed the last recording with tears as she moved to the "morning show" starting in April.