

2015年10月18日 | 小説・映画等に出てくる「たばこ」












On 10 October, I finished reading After Dark, by Haruki Murakami (2004, Kodansha), which I borrowed from Izumi Library. I extracted the 'cigarette-related descriptions' that I have made my life's work. The only brand that appears in the book is 'Camel', which comes with a filter. Cigarettes were mostly written in Chinese characters '煙草'

[pages 6-7]
There is a coffee cup on the table. There is an ashtray. Next to the ashtray is a navy blue baseball cap. The B symbol of the Boston Red Sox. There's coffee in front of ---- me, so I'm just drinking it as a role, so to speak. As if remembering, he puts a cigarette in his mouth and lights it with a plastic lighter. I squint my eyes, carelessly blow the smoke into the air, place the cigarette in the ashtray and then stroke my temples with my fingertips, as if to quell the prospect of a headache. ---- only to read alone, occasionally lighting a cigarette and mechanically tilting a cup of coffee, hoping that time would pass a little faster. But needless to say, there is still a long time before dawn arrives.

[page 8].
At this time of night, the streets are still well-lit and many people are coming and going. People with somewhere to go, people with nowhere to go. People with a purpose, people without a purpose. People who try to hold back time, people who try to push time forward. She takes a moment to look at such a random cityscape, then regains her breath and turns her attention back to the pages of her book. She reaches for her coffee cup. The cigarette is reduced to a neat ash on the ashtray, with only a few sips having been smoked.

[Page 16].
Mari takes out a cigarette, puts it in her mouth and lights it with a lighter.
'You know,' he says. "I'm not defending Denny's, but I feel like a pack of cigarettes is a lot worse for you than eating a chicken salad that might have some problems. Don't you think?"
Mari ignores the question.

[page 20].
Mari silently fumbles with her cigarette in the ashtray.
'There wasn't anything particularly wrong with me, was there?'
Mari thinks for a moment. 'I don't remember that many details, but I don't think there was anything wrong with you.'

[pp. 81-82].
Mari pulls a filtered Camel from the pocket of her stadium jumper and takes care with a Bic. 'Heh, you smoke,' says Kaoru, impressed.
'Doesn't suit me too well, to be honest, though.'
Mari blushes, but still smiles a little awkwardly.
'Can I have one?' Kaoru says.
'Go ahead.'
Kaoru picks up a Camel, takes Mari's lighter and lights it. Kaoru is certainly a much better smoker than Mari. ---- Kaoru smokes cigarettes while listening to music. When he relaxes his body, a slight hint of fatigue appears on his face.

[page 91].
'This old man, you know, he's generally eccentric,' says Kaoru.
'Midnight has a way of passing the midnight hour,' says the bartender. He rubs a paper match noisily and lights a cigarette.

[Page 109].
Kaoru takes a cigarette from the desk, puts it in his mouth and lights it with a match. He purses his lips and blows a long puff of smoke at the monitor screen.
Magnified man's face on static screen.

[page. 204-205].
The street is littered with all sorts of things. Aluminium beer cans, a trodden evening paper, crushed cardboard boxes, plastic bottles, cigarette butts. Fragments of car tail lamps. Military gloves. Discount coupons for something. Some vomit residue. A large, dirty cat eagerly sniffs the rubbish bags. They are trying to get their share before the rats ravage it and before the dawn comes and the ferocious crows come scavenging for food.

[page 209].
'It was about three months after my mother died [of breast cancer], I think. I was granted early parole because of the circumstances (my father was in prison for fraud). It's obvious, but my father came back and I was happy about that. I was no longer an orphan. After all, he is a big, strong adult. It was a relief. When he came back, he was wearing an old tweed jacket, and I still remember the feel of the rustling fabric and the smell of cigarettes smeared on it.
Takahashi takes his hand out of his coat pocket and rubs the back of his neck several times.

[page 224].
'You said you gave up your real name, Mr Cricket, didn't you?
'Yes. I did.
'Why did you give up your real name?'
Cricket takes out a tea bag, dumps it in the ashtray and places the teacup in front of Mari.

[Page 247].
The basement, like a warehouse, which the band is allowed to use for late-night practice. There are no windows. The ceiling is high and the pipes are exposed. The ventilation system is poor and it is forbidden to smoke in the room. The night is almost over, formal practice is already over and now a free-form jam session is underway.

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