

2016年08月03日 | 小説・映画等に出てくる「たばこ」

1928(昭和3)年 32歳

[ken] 宮沢賢治さんとたばこについては、「丸善階上喫煙室小景」という詩を書いていますし、「農学校では高級煙草『敷島』やオゾンパイプをふかしていたようですね。彼は妹が死んでから、酒、煙草の節制を始めました」とも伝えられていますので、たばこを一時期吸っていたことは確かであると言えます。それにしても、「救おうと思った農民から教会が白い目で見られた」ことは、余りにも残酷な仕打ちだと思います。良かれと思ってしていることが、対象相手に伝わらず、それどころか白い目で見られるのは痛恨の極みですね。しかし、宮沢賢治さんは「雨ニモマケズ」に代表されるように、人々への励ましのメッセージを書き続けました。(終わり)

Kenji's Prayer Hisashi Inoue ②
[Page 464]
Raw food weakens the body, the activities of the (Rasu Chijin) Association are seen as a variant of the socialist movement, and the authorities' eyes shine, and the father's half-forced request to get a decent job. There were many reasons why the church had to be closed, but the biggest reason was that the church was looked down upon by the farmers who wanted to save it. The activities of these associations will come to an end after three years.
Kenji has only five years left to live. But he will continue to pray until the moment he takes his last breath, "May people live brightly." Kenji's prayer still encourages and inspires us today.

[Pages 474-475]
1928 (Showa 3) 32 years old
----On the evening of June 15, I returned to Tokyo and wrote the poem "Maruzen Hashikami Smoking Room Small View" while I was in Tokyo.

[ken] Regarding Kenji Miyazawa and cigarettes, he wrote a poem titled "Maruzen Hashikami Smoking Room Shokage" and said, "It seems that he smoked high-end cigarettes 'Shikishima' and ozone pipes at agricultural school. After my sister died, I started to abstain from drinking and smoking." Even so, I think that "the church was looked down upon by the peasants who wanted to save it" was too cruel. It is extremely regrettable that what you are doing with good intentions is not communicated to the target audience, and on the contrary, is looked down upon. However, Kenji Miyazawa continued to write messages of encouragement to people, as typified by "Ame nimo Makezu." (end)

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