The orthodox civilization is the festival politics of Japan


White birds of my boy's day ・遠い少年の日の白い鳥 17

2017-10-06 06:37:52 | 世界経済

When I was a student of university , at that time , the existentialism was in public and some professors were popular in press .
Many young people were affected . But recently , no one knows it , and where did they go ?
So , the students should have acquired logic and education more certainly .
They had wasted precious youth . so that that professor may have a vampire sucking youth's extract .
Even so , it is strange with these poor guys could teach the students . he said ,
" Life has no value ."
" So , my motto is that I am sorry to live ."
Young people should make value and discover the meaning of living .

He did , suddenly ,
" Buri Buri "
" What a terrible smell !"
My friend said ,
" While he was feeling melancholy , began repeating diarrhea and constipation , and finally did it in public .
" It is the arrival point of the third-rate intellectual property in the Wakayama prefecture ,"
And he added it ,
" He would not have become a professor , when he was in old Waseda , well ,the university did not make him a professor ."

The spirit of Waseda was alive then , the youth of Waseda was alive still .    


 「人生には 価値がありません」
 「ブリッ ブリッ」

 「あいつは憂鬱を気取っているうちに 本当の憂鬱体質になってしまい 便秘と下痢を繰り返し 終に人前でやってしまったんだ」
 「和歌山の 三流インテリの 成れの果てだ」
 「昔の早稲田なら教授なんかなれない いや させなかった」
