The orthodox civilization is the festival politics of Japan


White birds of my boy's day ・遠い少年の日の白い鳥 19

2017-10-07 18:06:51 | 世界経済
Some children live in the fundamental world , while gnawing chocolate or sucking candy ,
The girl playing with the puppy will be the sight of heaven ,
They are not accustomed to the adult world , so does it make sense to fit in the form with modern space and time ?
From the brains of adults who have been fitted in worlds new creation will not be born .
An associate professor said ,
" Existence precedes essence ."
If he says so , he had better live that way , however he only repeats the performance of the predecessor .
In this country , there is the real logic of Buddhism , but it is a big loss that it can not be utilized .


 「実存は 本質に先行する」


White birds of my boy's day ・遠い少年の日の白い鳥 18

2017-10-07 03:40:51 | 世界経済

When I practiced zazen under the old priest , he got one letter that was written by his follower of America .
The follower managed zen community on west coast and taught how to practice zazen to many young men , among them one person whose name was S.Jobs was there .
He asked it to his Zen master of Japanese so eagerly ,
" I want to become a zen priest ."
His master answered silently ,    
" You had better stay here and continue your studying ."
" You will be able to find good idea and make an excellent manufactures ."
He added it ,
" There is a spiritual invention in business working ."

After all , he stopped it , and he succeed in making i-Phone .
The clean design and clear system is just like the boy practicing zazen .
It might be the lack of such spirit in Japanese company .      


 この日本人の回りに、多くの若者が集まっていたのだが、その一人が、あの S.ジョブズ 、この若者は出家を懇願(こんがん)した、するとニッポンの禅僧は。
 「ビジネスの世界でも spiritual(霊的)な仕事はできる」
