

The New York Times21 JULY news

2020年07月21日 | 英語練習
Sheldon Silver, Ex-Assembly Speaker,
Will Finally Go to Prison
After two trials, Mr. Silver receives a sentence of 78 months.
He had asked for home confinement,
arguing that his age and health made him
vulnerable to the coronavirus.

How are you all.(doing)? I'm good thanks.
on time.on the way.
You can go and meet--.
Do you mind if I ask some advice ?
It's so hot that I can't run anymore.
This box it too heavy to lift by myself.
It is not only big but also clean.
Take the train for Haneda.(get off)


What happened yesterday.
I went to Ningyocho to buy fish.
It's a cheap fish, so I have to line up.

I am inspired by the Chinese.
I will write a blog for my own study every day in English.
I think that there are many uncorrected sentences and mistakes.
Please forgive me.

I think that there is an unknown point in description
because I have no knowledge.
If you wont to know details, please check
the source of articles, programs and images.
Source: The New York Times.

Image citation from the New York Times article etc

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2 コメント

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Good Job (LVK)
2020-07-21 10:21:46
Good job with your English! I am a gaijin living in Japan. I like your blog, it helps me practice my Japanese. You have many interesting topics. I just finished reading your 2014 entry about 石山本願寺 and the 一向宗. Very interesting.

Best wishes to you!
Thank you (慶喜)
2020-07-21 11:27:18

Thank you for your comment.
It is a good stimulus for me.
I think you have a long life in Japan.
I hope you enjoy Japanese life.

Best wishes to you!

