今日3センテンス Can I be honest with you? It seems slightly off to me. Do as your parent says. Greed often overreaches itself. What do most people tip at---? About how much would that be?
何か違う気がします 親が言うようにやれ 強欲は、遣りすぎになる 省略
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live foreve.
ペトゥラ・クラーク 1932年生まれ、イングランド出身の歌手、女優 イギリスを代表するシンガーの一人との事です 「恋のダウンタウン」でヒットし『フィニアンの虹』ではハリウッド映画にも進出しました MY Love
Song by Petula Clark
My love is warmer than the warmest sunshine,
softer than a sigh
My love is deeper than the deepest ocean,
wider than the sky
My love is brighter than the brightest star
That shines every night above
And there is nothing in this world
That can ever change my love
Something happened to my heart the day that I met you
Something that I never felt before
You are always on my mind no matter what I do
And every day, it seems I want you more
Once, I thought that love was meant for anyone else but me
Once, I thought you'd never come my way
Now, it only goes to show how wrong we all can be
For now, I have to tell you every day
今日3センテンス Can I be honest with you? It seems slightly off to me. Do as your parent says. Greed often overreaches itself. What do most people tip at---? About how much would that be?
何か違う気がします 親が言うようにやれ 強欲は、遣りすぎになる 省略
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live foreve.