考試開了 Examinations have started

新年快楽。 上星期五我的大学考試開了。 昨天我的英語聴考試結束了、今天英語読的考試也結束了。 我最近真努力地学習、我毎天忙多了。我到二月七日也有多的考試。多星期以前我的電脳壊了、但是我有的時候想写日記。

A happy new year. My computer was out of order in end of December. However, I would like to renew this blog time to time. By the way, a test season at my university started on last Friday. I am very busy to study/prepare for tests recently. The last test will be finished on 7th February. Untill then I will study hard to obtain good test resuls.
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