"There are only two or three human stories and they go on repeating themselves as fiercely as if they had never happened before." - Willa Cather (1873- 1947) O Pioneers!
ウェインが擬人化された猫を描き始めたのは、相反するはずの「科学」と「幻想」がまだ奇妙に融合していた時代で あった。この映画の原題は、「The Electrical Life of Luis Wain」である。原題にあるとおり、映画は近代的エネルギーが ひとりの画家に及ぼした、創造の「光」と狂気の「影」を描く。 能勢陽子 TOKYO ART BEAT より
Charlie says this after asking a question, the question was do you ever believe people are incapable of not caring? It’s an interesting question, which he poses because other people in his life see the world as a desolate, cold place, and believe people generally to be bad at their center, selfish and uncaring.
Do you ever get the feeling people are incapable of not caring ? People are amazing