23:30 am: Rise. Matins of the Virgin Mary. Personal prayer in cell. The brothers rise at midnight. 00:15 am: In church, Office of Matins followed by Lauds. Angelus. Between 2:15 and 3:15 am: Return to cell and sleep after Lauds of the Blessed Virgin.
2. Morning: Holy Mass, lectio divina, study
06:30 or 06:45 am: Rise. 07:00 am: Office of Prime, followed by the Angelus. Prayer or readings in preparation for Mass. 08:00 am: Conventual Mass in the church. Then, for the fathers, celebration of Mass in solitude in a chapel. For the brothers, prayer and then work. 10:00 am: Office of Terce in cell. Then lectio divina and study.
3. Noon and afternoon: meal, recreation, manual work
Noon: Angelus. Office of Sext. Meal. After the meal there is a time called “recreation”, which can be used freely. 2:00 pm: Office of None. For the fathers, a time of manual work in the cell usually follows. The converse brothers return to their work in the obediences.
4. The end of the day
4:00 pm marks the end of the activities. Vespers of the Virgin Mary in cell. 4:15 pm: Vespers in church, and then return to cell. 5 pm: Spiritual reading.Between 6:00 and 6:30 p.m.: Supper 6.45 pm: Angelus and office of Compline.Between 7:30 and 8:00 pm: Bedtime.