☆ 昨今、たばこの話題がテレビで取り上げられるのは、暗くて悪いことばかりですが、8月4日の「もやもやさまーずin相模原」は明るく楽しい内容でした。
☆ Nowadays, the topic of tobacco brought up on TV is often dark and negative, but on August 4th, "Moyamowa-Summers in Sagamihara" was a bright and fun topic.
☆ ダジャレ王の店主に、手巻きたばこを巻いてもらい、さまーずの二人が一服していました。私は心から拍手喝采を贈りますが、喫煙シーンがあれだけの時間、テレビで放映されたら、クレームや苦情の電話も多かったことでしょう。
☆ The shopkeeper, who is known as the king of puns, rolled some cigarettes for them, and the two Samas were taking a swig. I applaud wholeheartedly, but if the smoking scene had been aired on TV for that long, I'm sure there would have been a lot of complaints and phone calls.