女優・石原さとみ主演のドラマ『アンサング・シンデレラ 病院薬剤師の処方箋』(フジテレビ系/毎週木曜22時)を見ていたら、見覚えのある景色が出てきました。
When I was watching the drama "Unsung Cinderella Hospital Pharmacist's Prescription" (Fuji TV/every Thursday at 22:00) starring actress Satomi Ishihara, a familiar scene appeared.

The row of cherry blossom trees is beautiful, and it is "Tatsumi no Mori Seaside Park" which was used as the ending scene in "Hero" starring KimuTaku.

When I was working there, I used to walk comfortably on that straight sidewalk, where I had a business partner, in all four seasons.