

2016年06月04日 | 小説・映画等に出てくる「たばこ」


[Ken] 124ページの「伊皿子」は、お昼休みの散歩でよく通りますが、今ではすっかり高級住宅街に様変わりしています。明治27年当時は「伊皿子あたりの貧乏人」とあるように、かなり庶民的な街だったのですね、これには驚きでした。

《Otsugomori》December 1894

[Page 124]
----、Soon I'll roll it up and let you all celebrate New Year as you like, he said, pleasing the poor people of Isarago, and he didn't even set a place for a big drinking party on New Year's Eve.

[Page 125]
----、Money is the enemy's drug, and although I remember that I've agreed to it now, I don't know why I hate it, so I stood up and puffed on a smokescreen and said I didn't know.

[Pages 128-129]
----、Even though children are the shackles of the three worlds, it's only the parents who have a dissolute child who are unfortunate, and there's a lineage that can't be severed, and after playing pranks, they fall into this abyss at the dawn of collapse, and even if they say they don't know, the world won't forgive them.----

[Ken] I often pass by "Isarago" on page 124 on my lunch break, but it has now been transformed into a high-class residential area. I was surprised to see that in 1894, it was a fairly common place, as it says "poor people around Isarago".

On page 125, "blowing smoke in a ring" refers to blowing smoke into a ring, as Popeye often does with his pipe in the cartoon.

On pages 128-129, "A child is a collar of the three worlds" refers to the past, present, and future in Buddhism. And a collar is a tool that is placed around the neck of a criminal to take away his freedom, so I think it is strange to compare a child to a collar, but it means that "the love that a parent has for their child is very deep, and therefore "freedom is taken away for the sake of the child".

I turned 63 in May, and reading this passage made me think about how I took away my parents' freedom. At the same time, becoming a parent has made me keenly aware of the weight of the burden, and I feel like I've become able to remain calm even in the things that I once thought were "impossible to endure." (Continued)

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