多摩川のガス橋から宝来公園往復 万歩計は15000を叩き出しました。
Topi, it was nice meeting you. Sorry my blog is written only in Japanese, but you can see my photos at least.
You can see also my old photos by clicking bottom left, most of them are and were taken within this half year at the river bank of Tama where we met.
ムクドリ(Sturnus cineraceus)
ハシビロガモ(Anas clypeata)
キジバト(Streptopelia orientlis)
カルガモ(Anas poecilorhynacha)
セグロカモメにしてはちょっと小さい固体でした、カモメかな? 多分ウミネコではないと思います、(Larus canus?)
そしてこちら、、逆光で潰れていますけどチョウゲンボウの雌かな?(Falco tinnunculus?)
Topi, it was nice meeting you. Sorry my blog is written only in Japanese, but you can see my photos at least.
You can see also my old photos by clicking bottom left, most of them are and were taken within this half year at the river bank of Tama where we met.
ムクドリ(Sturnus cineraceus)
ハシビロガモ(Anas clypeata)
キジバト(Streptopelia orientlis)
カルガモ(Anas poecilorhynacha)
セグロカモメにしてはちょっと小さい固体でした、カモメかな? 多分ウミネコではないと思います、(Larus canus?)
そしてこちら、、逆光で潰れていますけどチョウゲンボウの雌かな?(Falco tinnunculus?)