

The New York Times 16 SEP News

2021年09月16日 | 英語練習
🌸10 Deaths, Exhausted Guards, Rampant Violence: 
Why Rikers Is in Crisis

A number of recent deaths have prompted questions 
about the notorious New York City jail complex. 
Here are some answers.

*How do you make your favorite food ?
*What's the next step ? Then,What
*That makes sense.
*How do you know ?

⛳What happened yesterday.
Nothing special.

⛳Cram school homework
The number of people infected with corona has decreased. 
In Singapore, more than 80% were injected.
However, the number of infected people is increasing

NHK Close-up Gendai.
 I was interested in the broadcast news.
It seems that many people are asking for 
sperm donation on SNS.
It seems that some of them are transgender.
However, it seems that there are various problems.

★I am inspired by the Chinese.
★I will write a blog for my own study every day
 in English.
★There are many uncorrected sentences and mistakes.
 Please forgive me.
★I think there is an unknown point in description
 because I have no knowledge.
★If you wont to know details, please check
 the source of articles, programs and images.
★Source: The New York Times.

Image citation from the New York Times article etc.

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