「今日の小さなお気に入り」 - My favourite little things


犬の日 2018・11・01

2018-11-01 05:15:00 | Weblog


   「 海岸で待っているとき、犬が狂ったように走りまわった。何年もいっしょに働いてきた雌犬だ











    もうおまえを捨てたりしないぞ。いっしょに行こうな』 」

   ( アリステア・マクラウド著 中野恵津子訳 「彼方なる歌に耳を澄ませよ」 新潮社刊 所収 )


    フリー百科事典 WIKIPEDIA には、アリステア・マクラウドさんのことが次のように書かれています。

    Alistair MacLeod, OC FRSC (July 20, 1936 – April 20, 2014) was a Canadian novelist,

   short story writer and academic. His powerful and moving stories vividly evoke the

   beauty of Cape Breton Island's rugged landscape and the resilient character of many

   of its inhabitants, the descendants of Scottish immigrants, who are haunted by

   ancestral memories and who struggle to reconcile the past and the present.

    MacLeod has been praised for his verbal precision, his lyric intensity and

   his use of simple, direct language that seems rooted in an oral tradition.

    Although he is known as a master of the short story, MacLeod's 1999 novel

   No Great Mischief was voted Atlantic Canada's greatest book of all time.

    The novel also won several literary prizes including the 2001 International

   IMPAC Dublin Literary Award.

    In 2000, MacLeod's two books of short stories, The Lost Salt Gift of Blood (1976)

   and As Birds Bring Forth the Sun and Other Stories (1986), were re-published in

   the volume Island: The Collected Stories. MacLeod compared his fiction writing

   to playing an accordion. "When I pull it out like this," he explained, "it becomes

   a novel, and when I compress it like this, it becomes this intense short story."

    MacLeod taught English and creative writing for more than three decades at the

   University of Windsor, but returned every summer to the Cape Breton cabin on

   the MacLeod homestead where he did much of his writing.

    In the introduction to a book of essays on his work, editor Irene Guilford

   concluded: "Alistair MacLeod's birthplace is Canadian, his emotional heartland

   is Cape Breton, his heritage Scottish, but his writing is of the world."   




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