6月16日深夜、再放送のNHK『プロフェッショナル 仕事の流儀』を見ていたら、びっくりして目が覚めました。国内外で大人気の陶芸家・辻村史朗(つじむらしろう)さんですが、私は初めて知りました。
Late at night on 16 June, I was watching a re-run of NHK's 'Professionals: The Way of Work' when I woke up with a surprise.
I had never heard of Shiro Tsujimura, a ceramic artist who is very popular in Japan and abroad.
They were single-mindedly focused on the work they were aiming for, and they just made and baked a lot of it. I was overwhelmed by the uncanny concentration. Many works of art are left unattended in the vicinity of his home.
As he was self-taught, he took the principle of not taking on apprentices, the only exception being former Prime Minister Hosokawa Morihiro. He was forced to come over and become an apprentice. I was more than a little moved by Shiro Tsujimura's way of life.