洞窟少年 救出劇

2018-07-09 07:12:08 | タナカ君的日常
 タイで洞窟探検に出かけて増水により洞窟内に閉じ込められてしまった13名の少年たち。 彼らを救出するべく活動が始まってすでに一週間。 今朝見たBBCニュースでは4名の少年の救出成功を伝えていた。



 総勢90名、内 タイ国:40名、 外国人:50名


The process includes a mixture of walking, wading, climbing and diving along guide ropes already in place.

Wearing full-face masks, which are easier for novice divers than traditional respirators, each boy is being accompanied by two divers, who also carry his air supply.


The toughest section is about halfway out at a section named "T-Junction", which is so tight the divers have to take off their air tanks to get through.

Beyond that a cavern - called Chamber 3 - has been turned into a forward base for the divers.

There the boys can rest before making the last, easier walk out to the entrance. They are then taken to hospital in Chiang Rai.

 洞窟外に昨夜救出された少年は4名だが、 途中まで到達した少年が更に2名居るそうで、 引き続き残る少年の救出活動が続けられている。 全員助かりますように。