
F1 メキシコGP予選 アロンソ コメント抜粋

"I'm extremely happy with the performance of the car so far this weekend," said Alonso.

"It felt great [in practice] and also [in qualifying], with a lot of grip in the corners and it gave me some good feelings in the high-speed sections, too.

"In Q1 we proved how strong we are on this track. Being only two tenths off the fastest time shows what a great job McLaren is doing. I felt we had the best car out there. It was good fun!

"Obviously saving some tyres in Q2 was the main priority.

"With the straight-line deficit we have here, it's going to be difficult to overtake, which is the key point for us.

"The penalty will hurt massively because starting last we will run behind traffic for the whole race, but we'll try to be aggressive and if something happens in front of us we'll take the chance."

Vandoorne believes McLaren will have to take an "aggressive" approach to the race if McLaren is to making progress from its compromised grid spots.

"We'll be starting from the back so it will be tough, and where we will finish is hard to say.

"Overtaking in a straight line will be difficult for us so we'll have to be aggressive."

↓               ↓               ↓

誤訳は ご容赦を。




"I'm extremely happy  with the performance of the car  so far this weekend,"

最高に 嬉しいよ    マシンのパフォーマンスにね     今週末の これまでのところは。

                                  said Alonso.





"It felt great      [in practice]  and  also [in qualifying],

素晴らしい感じだったよ 練習走行でも そして 予選においてもね、


with a lot of grip   in the corners

コーナーで 大きなグリップがあって



 it gave me some good feelings         in the high-speed sections, too.

それが僕たちに良いフィーリングをもたらしたんだ  高速区間においてもね。



"In Q1


 we proved      how strong  we are on this track.

僕らは証明したよ   コース上で僕らが どれだけ力強いかをね。




 Being only two tenths off the fastest time     shows

最速タイムに たった0.2秒差に着けてることは  示してるよね

                            what a great job McLaren is doing.

                          マクラーレンがしている仕事の素晴らしさを だよ。






 I felt    we had the best car out there.

ここでは 僕らは最高のマシンを持ってるって 感じるよ

 It was good fun!






saving some tyres in Q2         was the main priority.

Q2で いくつかのタイヤを温存することは 主な優先事項だったんだ。



            **Q2 ;Qualify 2 予選2回目



"With the straight-line deficit we have here,

直線での 僕らの(スピードの)不足で

 it's going to be difficult      to  overtake,

難しくなるよ        追い抜くことがね

which is the key point  for us.
それが  鍵になるんだ 僕らにとっては。




"The penalty   will hurt massively

ペナルティは    大きな痛手になるよね



 starting last      we will run behind traffic          for the whole race,

最後からスタートすると 僕らは渋滞の後ろを走ることにになるからね  レースの間ずっとね、





we'll try to be aggressive




 if something happens  in front of us

もし なにか起こったら  僕らの前でね

we'll take the chance."




Vandoorne  believes

バンドーンは 信じている

           McLaren will have to take an "aggressive" approach  to the race

          マクラーレンが レースに向けて攻撃的に行かなければ ならないことを。

 if McLaren is to making progress from its compromised grid spots.

もしマクラーレンが (降格を)受け入れたグリッドから 前へ進むのならば。



"We'll be starting   from the back

僕らは 後方からスタートすることになるんだ



 it will be tough,




 where we will finish      is hard to say.

僕らが何位でゴールするかは    言及するのは難しんだよ。



"Overtaking in a straight line  will be difficult  for us

直線で 追い抜きをするのは   難しいだろうね  僕たちにとってはね



 we'll have to be aggressive."

アグレッシブに ならなきゃね



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パーゴラ MkⅡ 作るよ ! vol .9

【 I'm going to build a tiny house!  vol 9 】

Today’s topic is that I painted the color of the floorboards.



Before painting the floorboards,

I put up protective tapes on walls and pillars  to avoid coloring to it.



今回は 床 色塗る! の巻きです。

色塗る前に 外壁 柱に 床色つかないように マスキング テープ貼ってと。 

Because walls and pillars are black,
 I decided to make it a bright color
and I chose to paint with bright silver color


どんな色に しよかと思ったけど 外壁が黒だから 明るめの色がいいかな ってことで

シルバーに しました!

ホームセンターで サンプル見たら 良さ気だったからね!!

↓             ↓              ↓

And when I paint it with silver・・・・

It did not look like a silver color at all・・・

It looks like the rotten color of the tree.

I seem to have made a mistake in selection.


Next I will make a window frame.

See also next time!



で  塗ってみたら・・



全然 シルバーじゃないじゃん・・


なんか 木 新品なのに なんか腐った色に なっちゃった・・・

これは 失敗。



窓 とか 入口の戸を作るよ!

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F1 ピエール ガスリー  グリッド降格

Gasly, already facing a five-place drop due to taking on new Control Electronics, is set to receive another 10 places after Toro Rosso fitted a new MGU-H to his STR12.

Gasly did not compete in FP1, as tester Sean Gelael drove his car, and undertook limited running in the second session due to a power unit problem.

The Frenchman then pulled to the side of the track during the early moments of FP3 after a puff of smoke emanated from his car. 

Gasly attempted to restart the STR12, having received convoluted instructions from Race Engineer Marco Matassa, but was forced to abandon his car, and walked back to the pits.


↓       ↓        ↓

誤訳は ご容赦を。




, already facing a five-place drop   due to taking on new Control Electronics,


    is set to receive another 10 places


       after Toro Rosso fitted a new MGU-H to his STR12.

         TORO ROSSOが彼のSTR12に 新たなMGU-Hを搭載した後の事だ。




Gasly  did not compete in FP1,


          as tester Sean Gelael drove his car,

          テストドライバーの シーン ゲラエルが彼のマシンに搭乗したためだ。



     undertook limited running in the second session


                          due to a power unit problem.





            **FP1 :Free Practice 1 練習走行1回目



The Frenchman  then  pulled to the side of the track

                    during the early moments of FP3


このフランス人は そして コースの脇に(マシンを)引き入れた

                     after a puff of smoke emanated from his car. 




Gasly   attempted to restart the STR12

ガスリーはSTR12の 再スタートを試みた

, having received convoluted instructions  from Race Engineer Marco Matassa,

(そして レースエンジニアのマルコ マッタサの複雑な指示を聞き入れたのだが)



      was forced  to abandon his car,

     マシンを 諦めることを強いられ



      walked back to the pits.

     ピットへ 歩いて戻った。

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