今日5センテンス I'm not sure,but It'll be fine. What will ask me at ---? Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today. You can come out now.It's safe now. It's headed for failure. It won't last long.
良く分かりませんが、大丈夫です ーーーで何を聞いてくるのですか? 省略 省略 破綻に向かっています
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live foreve.
今日5センテンス I've been struck by way you don't hog the limelight. I need your passport and immigration form. I feel like I missed the boat. Don't give up the ship. You're going to go far !
感銘を受ける 省略 大事な事しくじった気がする 省略 あなたなら、きっと成功する
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live foreve.