今日3センテンス I don't have the guts. It's acquired taste. A good listener is not only popular everwhere,but after a while,he knows something. About how much would that be ? Anything's fine.
今日3センテンス No.Sorry about that. They are the densest fur of any mammal. Are they a protected species ? I can thinlk of nothing less pleasurable than a life devoted to pleasure.
今日4センテンス I'm thinking about buying three. I would like to go the ABC. About how much would that be. I would love to ! You might want to think that over. Why don't you think it over ?
省略 省略 是非そうしたい 良く考え直したほうが良いと思います 省略
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live foreve.