Im Polina. I am 28 years old. I from city Cheboksary, it approximately 700
km from Moscow. I seen the announcement that there is possible to get
relationship with the man on the Internet. It was very interested by me ,I have
filled questionnaires, and now I want to meet the person which interested
in me. Im the lonely women. I live with my mum and very much I don't have
man's attention. I want to find second half serious relationship. If you
interested in me I will tell you more about myself. If you still alone, write
me please on my email:polina*****@yahoo.com. It will be very good if you
answer me. Yours Polina.
Im Polina. I am 28 years old. I from city Cheboksary, it approximately 700
km from Moscow. I seen the announcement that there is possible to get
relationship with the man on the Internet. It was very interested by me ,I have
filled questionnaires, and now I want to meet the person which interested
in me. Im the lonely women. I live with my mum and very much I don't have
man's attention. I want to find second half serious relationship. If you
interested in me I will tell you more about myself. If you still alone, write
me please on my email:polina*****@yahoo.com. It will be very good if you
answer me. Yours Polina.