
皇居東御苑の喫煙コーナー 2011年11月13日〈英訳付〉

2012年01月01日 | たばこの気持ち





Happy New Year.
I have introduced the smoking corner of the Imperial Palace East Gardens, which I visited for the first time, before.
This is the second time.
I visited on a "Hato Bus trip" related to Shigin.
I would like to go to the Imperial Palace, which has a different atmosphere depending on the season, many times.
Recently, the number of smoking areas in open spaces has decreased dramatically.
Changes will come out depending on the future movement to prevent second-hand smoke.
So far, the Imperial Palace East Gardens have not isolated smokers.
I hope that the place where you can smoke will remain as it is.
goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )


2012年01月01日 | ここで一服・水元正介
※ 2003年優勝記念たばこ、なのである。

◎ 2002年の新年会の席に、関西在住の女性がいたので、「タイガースファンですか?」と聞いたら、「もちろん、そうです」という返事であった。話の途中、「先日、テレビで星野監督を囲み、阪神タイガースの特集があり、そこに、1985年の日本一を祈念して発売されたたばこが紹介されていましたよ」とのことであった。

◎ 「1箱、持っていますよ、私。記念たばこの空き箱をそのままパッキングしたレプリカもあるんだ。それに、未使用の優勝記念テレフォンカードやバスタオルだってあるよ」と言ったら、周りの人たちから「とっても貴重なものですから、金庫にでも入れて保管しておくといいですよ」と進言されたのである。

◎ それはそれで嬉しい情報ではあったけれど、「貴重なもの」になってしまうほど、阪神タイガースの優勝が遠い昔のことであり、今後もその可能性が薄い証拠なのだから、情けない気がしたのである。(2002 01/27)

※ 1985年以降、2003年に星野監督、2005年に岡田監督でセ・リーグを制覇できたが、いずれも日本一を逃している。また、2003年の優勝記念たばこは発売されたが、たばこ規制(パッケージへの警告表示)の強化等もあってか、2005年には発売されなかった。ちなみに、2003年の優勝記念たばこは、きちんと湿度管理もしながら1カートン(10個)保管してある。そして、2007年のシーズンも佳境に入り、本日(9月5日)の6連勝で首位に1.5ゲーム差の2位になった。(2007/09/05)

◎ The photo is a commemorative cigarette commemorating the 2003 championship.
◎At the 2002 New Year's party, there was a woman who lived in the Kansai region. 
 "Are you a Tigers fan?" I asked her, "Are you a Tigers fan?
She replied, "Of course, I am."
During the conversation, she said, "The other day, there was a TV special on the Hanshin Tigers with Manager Hoshino, and they introduced a cigarette that was sold to commemorate the 1985 Japanese championship."
◎I replied, "I have a pack of them. I also have a replica of an empty box of commemorative cigarettes, packed as is. I also have an unused commemorative telephone card and bath towel."
The people around me advised me to keep them in a safe because they are very valuable.
◎That was a pleasant piece of information for me, but the more "valuable" it became, the more it proved that the Hanshin Tigers' championship had become a distant memory.
I felt very miserable because it meant that the Hanshin Tigers were unlikely to become the number one team in Japan in the future. (2002 01/27)

*Since 1985, the Hanshin Tigers have won the Central League with Hoshino as manager in 2003 and Okada as manager in 20005. Okada was able to win the Central League in 2005. However, they failed to win the championship in either case. In addition, commemorative cigarettes were sold to commemorate the 2003 championship, but they were not sold in 2005, possibly due to stricter tobacco regulations (warning labels on packages). The 2003 commemorative cigarettes were not sold in 2005.
Incidentally, I have kept a carton (10 pieces) of the 2003 commemorative cigarettes in a humidity-controlled environment. I have kept one carton (10) of the 2003 commemorative cigarettes, while also keeping a good record of the humidity.
The 2007 season has reached its climax, and today (September 5, 2007), the team won its sixth straight game to move into second place, 1.5 games behind the leader. The team is now in second place, 1.5 games behind the leader. (2007/09/05)
goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )


2012年01月01日 | 小説・映画等に出てくる「たばこ」
* 春は桜餅。桜餅って美味しいですよね!

◎ 最近、古文の現代語訳にはまっているのね。7~8年も読書から遠ざかっていたんだけど、初版本で橋本治さんの「徒然草」と「枕草子」を買っておいたのがあってね、それを読んでみたの。そしたら、すっごく素敵(いとおかし)なんだから、もう夢中なのよ。

◎ ついつい「桃尻語」になってきちゃったけれど、それはさておいてさぁ、当り前といえばまぁそうなのね、「枕草子」には「たばこ」がまったく出てこないわけよ。けっこう新鮮な発見だったのね、自分としてはね、それが。それだけの話なんだけどね。

*Sakura mochi (rice cake with sakura blossoms) in spring. Sakura mochi is really delicious!

Recently, I've been hooked on translating ancient texts into modern Japanese, and after 7 or 8 years of not reading,
I bought the first editions of Osamu Hashimoto's "Tsurezuregusa" and "Makuranososhi" and read them.
I was so absorbed in the story that I started to get into Hashimoto-san's "peach butt talk" too.
But that's beside the point. It's not surprising that the word "cigarette" does not appear in "Makuranososhi(The Pillow Book)" at all.
It was quite a new discovery for me, you know. That's all there is to it.
goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )


2012年01月01日 | たばこの気持ち


After entering the main gate, there was a rest area on the right side of the gate. 
There were flowering pears (quince). A smoking area was neatly set up, along with benches. A look in the stand ashtray revealed no cigarette butts at all. 
Overall, it made me realise that the number of people smoking is decreasing.


No cigarette butts or litter was seen around the smoking area. Are the visitors to the smoking areas diligent in cleaning up and have good manners? 
It is a good cycle. I felt keenly that not only the Imperial Palace, but also the smoking areas in the city should be kept beautiful.
goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )


2012年01月01日 | たばこをめぐる見聞記

The other day I entered the Shin-Marunouchi Building for the first time.
I strolled leisurely from the first basement floor to the seventh floor.
I asked a man who was doing maintenance work in the building where the smoking area was, and he told me that it was on the 5th and 7th floors.
I immediately went to smoke a cigarette.
I counted several smoking corners on the 5th and 7th floors.
First, the smoking area in the open space, but since it was a hot day and late afternoon, there was no one there.
And indeed, it was moorishly hot.
In summer and winter it will be deserted, but in spring and fall it is surely a great smoking point.

goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )


2012年01月01日 | たばこの気持ち

The number of places where I can smoke 🚬 is decreasing day by day.
For smokers like me, portable ashtrays have become a must-have item.
I take a cigarette at the smoking corner in front of Tamachi station.
Then, there are always some people who take out the mobile ashtray and throw the butts into the stand ashtray.
By the way, the number of places where you can smoke is decreasing sharply around Sugamo Station.
On my way to the Shigin class, I stopped by at the entrance of the multi-tenant building next to the standing eating soba shop.
There is a doll and a pamphlet of a beauty shop near the stand ashtray, and I felt "cute", so I took a picture.

goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )


2012年01月01日 | 小説・映画等に出てくる「たばこ」


It was a film that was familiar to me, "The Fortress of Avalon" starring Gregory Peck.
The "cigarette" was used effectively in the film and played an important role in calming, focusing, parting, after a victory, etc.
In particular, I thought that the scene of "passing around a cigarette" had a communicative function, not as words, but as "mutual understanding, gratitude, determination, etc." (SAT.14.JULY.2001)

goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )


2012年01月01日 | たばこの気持ち
★ マイルドセブンを手にしながら執筆した作家としては、つとに司馬遼太郎さんが有名です。今日の朝日新聞朝刊【文化】欄に、倉本聰さんの近況が掲載されておりました。今秋フジテレビで放送予定の「風のガーデン」が、仕上げに向けて収録中とのことです。
★ 倉本聰さんの代表作は、何と申しましても「北の国から」でしょうが、そのシナリオを書き上げるのに、トータルで1万7000箱(34万本)のマイルドセブンを吸ったそうです(ジャックダニエルが1300本)。「よくも数えておいたものだ」と思いますが、倉本さんにとって必要不可欠なものだったのでしょう。

Ryotaro Shiba is well known as a writer who wrote with a Mild Seven in his hand.
Today's Asahi Shimbun's morning newspaper's "Culture" section reported on So Kuramoto's recent activities.
The article reported that "The Garden of the Wind," which is scheduled to air on Fuji Television this fall, is being recorded for the final touches.
So Kuramoto's masterpiece is "Kita no Kuni Kara" (From the North).
It is said that he smoked a total of 17,000 boxes (340,000) of Mild Seven in order to write that scenario. (1,300 Jack Daniels).
I wonder how he kept count of them, but I guess they were indispensable for Mr. Kuramoto.

goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )


2012年01月01日 | ここで一服・水元正介

◎ 第82回中央メーデーの会場に向かう前に、原宿駅前にあるスタンド灰皿に立ち寄りました。吸い殻や空き缶のポイ捨ては、想定したよりも少なかったのです。その代わり、すごい立て看板があることに気づきました。ゴミの不法投棄に関する罰則が記載されていました。

Before heading to the venue for the 82nd Central May Day, I stopped by the stand ashtray in front of Harajuku station.
Littering of butts and empty cans was less than I expected.
Instead, I noticed that there was a great sign.
There were penalties for illegal dumping of garbage.

The authorities did not recognize it as littering garbage, but finally felt that it was "illegal dumping", so as soon as they found it, they strongly expressed their intention to "impose a fine!".
Even so, as a result of the significant reduction in the number of trash cans in the city, you often see a miserable appearance like the image around the beverage vending machine.
It is unfortunate.
goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )

Sake from cigarettes, golf from cigarettes!

2012年01月01日 | たばこの気持ち
The other day I went golfing with my neighbors.
Of the four, I was the only one who smoked.
The other three also seem to have smoked before.
One does not currently drink or smoke.
By the time he passed his 60th birthday, he broke his health and stopped smoking and drinking.
The other two continued to drink and play golf, and seemed to quit smoking.
I continue to play cigarettes, golf, and poetry, but if I quit one of the three, I think cigarettes will come first.
Nowadays, as a matter of course, more and more people are quitting smoking.

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