★ スタンド灰皿もありました。たくさんのカモが陽射しを浴びて、気持ちよさそうに浮かんでいました。中にはバシャバシャと水浴びしているカモもいて、おにぎりをほおばりながら近づくと、池の鯉が寄って来ました。おにぎりのご飯を少しあげると、あっという間に食べてしまいました。近いうちに、また来ようと思いました。ちなみに、本日は24回目の結婚記念日です。
Although it is my own opinion, I misunderstood that Hama-rikyu was divided into two, and each of them remained as a garden.
The other day, I went to "Another Hamarikyu", which I've always wanted to visit.
To be precise, it is "Kyu Shiba Rikyu Garden", and I was ashamed of my carelessness.
The entrance fee is 150 yen for adults, and since it was lunch time, I took a seat on the bench.
There was also a stand ashtray. Many ducks were bathing in the sunlight and floating comfortably.
Among the ducks, there was also a duck that was bathing in the water.
When I gave him a little rice ball, he ate it in no time.
I thought I would come back again in the near future. By the way, today is our 24th wedding anniversary.