▼ JR総武線・平井駅前の路上に、画像のステッカーがベタベタと貼られていました。明らかに数が多いと思います。
▼ 何事もやり過ぎは美しくありませんね。しかし、しかし、喫煙所周辺のベンチ下には変わらずのポイ捨てが目に着き、イタチごっこのようにも思え、とても残念でした。
On the street in front of Hirai Station on the JR Sobu Line, a sticker with the image was sticky.
I'm sure there are a lot of them.
Too much of anything is not beautiful. However, I saw the same littering under the benches around the smoking area, and it seemed like a game of weasels, which was very disappointing.