In this issue, I have extracted descriptions other than those of cigarettes. I was impressed by Shigeru Mizuki's ability to respond to the local situation, his curiosity that makes everything an object of interest, and also his free and vigorous vitality.
[page 168]
---- job was, to my surprise, carrying things in the office.
At that time, I was made to carry several bundles of paper.
I thought to myself, "If I had this paper, I could draw a picture". ----I said to a petty officer, "I am a painter, can I have some paper?"
Without that kindness, it would have been difficult for a soldier in the army to draw. Anyway, we didn't have any materials. ----
[page 177]
It is not surprising that he had the crazy idea of living here instead of returning to Japan.
I immediately consulted with a military doctor who was close to me. He told me, "There are 100,000 soldiers, and you are the only one who wants to be discharged."
But after a week, I was still adamant, so the doctor became serious and began to persuade me that it would be better if I went back to Japan and met my parents first.
The area was such a nice place. Come to think of it, it doesn't matter where you live.