

The New York Times 13APR News

2022年04月13日 | 英語練習
🌸Live Updates: 16 People Are Injured, 
Including 10 Shot, in Attack on Brooklyn Subway

A man in a worker’s vest put on a gas mask, 
opened a canister that filled a subway car 
with smoke and then opened fire, 
the police said; 
surveillance cameras that could have captured 
the shooting were not working, 
according to Mayor Eric Adams.

*Have a lot of rain.
*It's good to have you here today.
*He will have blond hair.

⛳Cram school 

★I am inspired by the Chinese.
★I will write a blog for my own study every day
 in English.
★There are many uncorrected sentences and mistakes.
 Please forgive me.
★I think there is an unknown point in description
 because I have no knowledge.
★If you wont to know details, please check
 the source of articles, programs and images.
★Source: The New York Times.

 Image citation from the New York Times article etc.

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